Sunday 30 November 2014

Solar Roadways – Solar Panels under Highway

Perhaps in the future historians will characterize our era as smart. Because now every now and then the prefix smart get even those things that used to not be suspected of any intellectual component. For example, in recent years more and more talk about smart road.

The world's first intelligent road, Smart Highway, appeared recently in the Netherlands. It is about 500 meters sample plots highway, which provides drivers while driving interactive features. For example, using this road you can find out about the weather conditions and the expected traffic during road accidents, traffic jams and other troubles.
And here in the United States, the word "smart" in conjunction with "expensive" mean something completely different. Solar Roadways project involves the conversion of highways and city streets, even in the huge "green" power.
American engineer Bruce Scott, inventor of Solar Roadways, offers to cover the expensive solar panels that will produce "green" energy for the needs of these very freeways and nearby buildings.

Energy generated from the smart way, will allow covering the roadway and sidewalks in the dark, to charge electric cars at special charging stations, and in the future, and on the go. Excess electricity can be obtained as will give to the city mains. Solar Roadways project involves the conversion of all of America into a huge power plant, which will replace many of the traditional sources of energy and improve the ecological situation in the country and the world due to the global reduction of the use of combustible materials.
Interestingly, the control center of all this complex system will be directly in solar panels. Each of them will be equipped with a small processor, and together they create a huge cloud DATA-center, the most powerful computer in charge of the distribution of energy giant system Solar Roadways.

Finger Reader - Helps Blind People To Read Books

Scientists at MIT have developed a reading audio device to be worn on the index finger for visually impaired people, giving them easy access to the printed word.

The prototype, called Finger Reader, made with help of 3D-printer is worn as a ring on the finger of the user, and is equipped with a small camera that scans the text. Synthesized voice reads the words aloud, quickly translates books, restaurant menus and other items necessary for everyday life texts. To read enough to point the finger at the word. Special software monitors the movement of the finger; the word identifies and processes information. The device has a motor to vibrate to alert readers when they deviate from the line. Developers had to overcome unusual problems to help people with visual impairments to move your finger along a straight line of printed text, which they cannot see.
Development gadget took three years because of the need to create special software, experiment with different designs and testing of the device by means of a feedback control group of visually impaired people. Prior to the promotion, a lot more needs to be improved including the problem of how to make the gadget work on mobile phones. Now Finger Reader can read information from documents, books, magazines, newspapers, computer screens, but he still has trouble reading the text on the touch screen. Disabling the sensor is possible to obtain an acceptable level of reading, but developers want to achieve more. Potentially only in the US market requires more than 11 million such devices, federal assistance programs for low-income make this necessary technology available to all.

How to lose 20 Ponds in a Month

Despite this rapid weight loss, health, normal, stable weight and 36-year-old woman happy like never before. Svetlana:

On the method of Dr. Alekseev I learned from her colleagues. No diet and exercise, I was able to lose a quarter of its weight. Every time I feel the transformation in those moments whenever get up on the scales. By the way, I never dared to be on the extreme diet where nothing can be there, because I know how much weight loss is good for my health.
Read the story of Svetlana. Perhaps, at some point you will know him:
Despite the fact that I am a doctor, it is difficult to say that I lead a healthy lifestyle. Like no other, I know that much of what I eat bad, but still cannot afford to refuse. I love to eat sweet and loaded with work all the time, so going to the gym will never work. A couple of times I even bought a subscription, but it burned down, and then I realized that it was a waste of money.
Because of bad heredity and their way of life, I've never been slim. Once, I heard my husband say to his friends:
It was very frustrating to hear this. At some point, it seemed to me that a loved one has betrayed me. But on the morning of resentment vanished and appeared realization: I looked in the mirror and realized that really launched itself in the last 4 years, since there was little Arthur.
Many times I have tried to change, but to really take for him, counting calories and going to the gym for me it was something unattainable. Of course, once in six months, I made ​​attempts: in those days, I try to eat right, but it was immediately clear where it will end. The turning point was, to be precise on 13 January. After all, New Year's Eve we always give you a promise to change once and for all.
I remember this sunny frosty day and this atmosphere of calm, when nothing foreshadowed such a big change. They came together to give an e-mail from my sister, who is now 10 years working gastroenterologist. Attached to the letter reference to the free lessons from Dr. Alekseev. Sister wrote: "Light, try this
'The most harmless way to lose weight Absolute hit in losing weight’
I opened my lessons. They were sent on mission based on cleansing the liver from toxins and the restructuring of the body to a new, healthy mode of operation, which was not in those diets that I tried to observe before. Is it because none of my previous diet was effective?
Honestly, I'm interested. Started looking for information about Dr. Alekseev, read the opinions of thousands of people in the US and Russian sites. They wrote that the program is perfect for those who have a slow metabolism. It is not only effective, but also very easy to use. We cannot be had anywhere else to get it. A little later on this website will have access to all the lessons, and I began to follow all recommendations. It takes about 30-40 minutes a day.
I feel that fat just evaporates!
The impression that my body turned into a machine for processing of calories every day my belly is getting smaller, seemed to outline the waist. After 4 weeks I weighed 67 kg. She lost 24 pounds. Definitely look a few years younger, more feminine, all the clothes I just, and feel more attractive. Well, you know, these men's view D radiates positive energy and life like me now 10 times more.
We asked Dr. Alekseev, who uses this method in the treatment of obesity of their patients, what is the success of his program.
How to lose weight can be natural, safe and so effective?
The strength of the lessons (FREE!) 
From Dr. Alekseev is the most important component the activation of the internal capacity of the organism. People, who are struggling with being overweight, sit on low-calorie diets, which are considered beneficial to health, but still cannot lose weight. These unfortunate people get fat and get fat because their bodies are intoxicated and do not work in full force. Clean the liver and it will help you eliminate excess fat cells.
Due to the method of Dr. Alekseev your liver itself destroy excess fat cells
In humans, there are three types of fat, the most problematic its abnormal fat that accumulates in the abdomen and thighs. It cannot burn without antioxidants. These substances are almost never contained in modern products, so the body cannot cope with the "bad" fat.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Universal Charger for all kind of Devices - Phones

Exists in abundance these days involves a wide variety of devices twice the number of various accessories and devices needed to maintain their functioning. Fortunately, today there was a universal charger, suitable for any type of iOS and Android devices. The new development will help solve the problem of the infinite and eternal clutter of wires, and other related devices.
Companies DODO case and Stik wood signed a partnership agreement on the establishment of a portable charger called Charging Nest, which works with any type of smart-phone and tablet platform iOS and Android. This means that buying a universal charging will not have to rack their brains in search of a separate device for each of the devices. Moreover, having decided to update an old smartphone, there is no longer need to worry about power supply for the new model.
Charging Nest made in Northern California. Stylish model of the device is made of wood and garden walnut leather.
Invisible keyboard AirType is another innovative project, reminiscent of technological development from an old sci-fi movie.

How to Convert Electricity into Music via Generator

Sudha Kheterpal was a professional percussionist for 20 years, so she knows firsthand how much energy spent on it to create a rhythm. Now she wants to harness this energy to produce electricity.

Kheterpal invented Spark is a musical instrument that sounds like a maraca, but it is as useful as a solar battery. The instrument contains three chambers. The two outer beads are filled, and the average comprises a magnet which moves along a copper coil, generating energy. 12 minutes of the game on Spark enough to provide work LED flashlight for an hour. 

Kheterpal, who played with such renowned artists as Faithless and Dido, working on a prototype of the tool more than a year, and recently visited Kenya to experience it? According to her, people really liked her invention.
Now she hopes to get enough money on Kick starter to complete prototype production run of finished tools, and distribute several thousand of its units in Kenya.