Tuesday 25 November 2014

How To Cook Semolina For Fishing

Quite often use different fishing bait plant origin. And, perhaps, among this type of bait is the most popular because of its semolina accessibility and ease of preparation. How to cook semolina for fishing, knows every avid fisherman, and each uses some of his tricks. Monk so like fishermen, because it is universal bait ready to catch almost any non-predatory fish. It does not take unless carp. Passionate lovers of fishing may not find for themselves something new, but for the novice anglers will be helpful tips on how to make semolina for fishing.

What are tips from semolina?
Depending on the method of preparation, there are three main types of baits from decoys: manufactured by steaming decoys;
  • Talker used raw cereals; 
  • Mastyrka manufactured by steaming decoys; 
  • Cool requires boiling semolina.
Each of these types of nozzles can be prepared in various ways. The following are the most popular options for how to cook semolina for fishing.
How to cook mash the easiest way is to pour dry semolina cool water. The lower the temperature of the water, the better, otherwise the semolina batter will be bad to stay on the hook. Prepare bait directly to the dish in which it will be during use. Keep in mind that this bait is not intended for long-term storage, so you need to cook it no more than 150 grams this is quite enough for a few hours of fishing.
Recipe for making the most usual semolina batter is quite simple:
  •  In prepared dishes need to pour the dry semolina, filling in four-fifths of the volume; 
  • Then you need to gently pour cold water while stirring semolina (not have to have a water-wet grains); 
  • Excess water that might collect on gruel, must be drained; 
  • Now leave semolina 20-30 minutes for swelling; 
  • Then the resulting mess to gently knead the stick until a thick homogeneous mass.
How to make a mash "delicious"
How to make semolina for fishing, it seemed attractive to even the not too hungry fish? Various attractants used, including any flavor ants which may be at home: anise, safflower, olive and other strongly smelling oil, vanilla, pepper and other spices. In this dry additives must be mixed with semolina even before the start pouring water. No need to overdo it with the addition of flavorings. 150 grams of porridge enough five drops of oil or a small pack of vanilla.
You can also share the swollen semolina into several parts and have they add a pair of drops of various oils; because it is unknown what kind of scent best attract fish. These bulbs should be expanded in packets so they do not dry out so quickly and you can safely go on a fishing trip.
How steamed semolina for fishing the standard way of preparing semolina bait is as follows. Pour water into the pan and wait until water boils. Now gently trickle should fill semolina into the boiling water, and at the same time preventing it with a spoon. When will we get a homogeneous mass, remove the pan from the heat, still stirring the contents? And it is required to ensure that all the grains were soaked with water, dry lumps should not be. 

Then you need to cover the saucepan lid and wrap it with a towel, blanket or a warm scarf. After 20-30 minutes, when semolina swells, you must open the pan and let cool content. When the temperature of the porridge becomes such that it can be held in the hand, it is necessary to knead thoroughly. How to knead the semolina for fishing, so that it is not stuck to his hands? It's enough to moisten your hands smelling oil. This procedure will also make the bait more fragrant and attractive to fish.
A simple way to cook semolina bait here is a simple recipe how to cook semolina for fishing without wasting time. Grits and water should be taken in equal parts. Need to pour water into the pan and put it on the fire. When the boil, pour a thin stream semolina, while not forgetting constantly stirring until the porridge thickens. It is also necessary to grease your hands to mess them from sticking. Semolina must be carefully kneading hands up until it reaches the desired consistency.
Another way is very similar to the previous one: the ratio of water and semolina should be 2: 1. Krupa also carefully poured into the boiling water and boil stirring constantly until a very viscous mass. Slightly chilled mass you need to put on the greased surface, and then carefully knead it with your hands to the desired hardness.
How to cook semolina for fishing in the bag Longer in terms of preparing semolina bait, but no less effective a decoction of cereals in the bag (cotton piece of cloth, gauze). Take the necessary number of decoys and poured into the pan. Then you have to pour water to the level found he 3-4 centimeters above cereals. Contents of the saucepan carefully mixed and allowed to infuse for at least 4-5 hours. After that, all the excess water must be drained and semolina shift into the prepared cotton cloth, tying her bag. The fabric should be white, semolina otherwise be painted.
The second step is to pour water into the pan and put it on the fire. When the water boils, put it in a bag of semolina. Our future bait should cook this way for about 30 minutes, but not more than one hour approximately. The longer the time, the harder the bait.
Innovative ways of cooking semolina bait
All of the above recipes are well known to many fishermen. But not everyone knows how to brew semolina fishing unconventional methods to get a immense result. Firstly you need to take an empty matchbox and fill it very tight semolina (you can pre-add it to any attractant). After that, the boxes must be closed on all sides and wrap the thread. Then dip it in boiling water and cook for about an hour. The result is a small brooches that quite easily be cut into several portions. Attachment prepared in this manner will not be able to disrupt even a very strong current.
Another interesting method of preparing the bait can be called "Cherche la femme," because we cannot do without one very important subject of women's wardrobe. We need to take a nylon stocking (previously only ask permission from his wife to avoid scandal). It should fill the right amount of semolina. After that stocking tied to the faucet, semolina is washed under running cold water. When the grits will turn into something like taut rubber means that it is ready for your use.
Cooking sweet bait long-term storage
Do special secret as semolina boil for fishing, so it can be stored a long time and used only as needed? It turns out that there is such a recipe, and quite easy! In a small bowl deep need to split two chicken eggs. Then you need to add 50-100 ml of sweet syrup, fruit puree or something like that. All mix well. Then add in equal amounts semolina and flour (preferably soy), then knead the dough enough. The resulting mass is immediately divided into small portions and roll into balls of them.
The resulting pellets need to shift into a strainer and put it in a pot of boiling water for 2-3 minutes. The beads should be dried on a kitchen towel, then put them in a plastic bag and send it in the freezer.
Milky semolina bait for carp
Wondering how to make semolina for fishing carp, not every angler knows that aid can come the usual milk. The fact is that during the winter famished fish needs a protein, which is so rich in dairy products. To prepare the cream of milk and bait, you need to take a deep bowl or pot and break it six eggs, add a special "stuffing" to improve the taste (options will be described below) and mix them well. After, the resulting mixture needs to add three tablespoons of powdered milk and one or two of semolina. Start kneading the dough until then, until a homogeneous dough suitable top for receiving the hook. If not mush thickens, then you can add semolina until you get the desired result.
As the "stuffing" can use the following options:
  • Sweet: creamy soft cheese, banana or strawberry juice; 
  • Island: garlic juice, salt and pepper; 
  • Salt: sea salt, black pepper and oil.
Whichever method of cooking semolina bait for the fishing you chooses, you can be sure that a great catch with a small particle of luck to you is guaranteed.

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