Saturday 22 November 2014

How to Take Care of Your Teeth - Health Tips

Hike to the dentist at all times considered something terrible and painful. But modern dentistry has gone much ahead towards steel pliers and a drill. Today we tell about the 5 most unusual and interesting examples of new tools for dental treatment and care.

Smart Tooth
Smart teeth against overeating and smoking. All the work the dentist can be a futile, if the patient does not follow the advice of the doctor and smoke, drinks coffee, or use illegal products. After all, the dentist cannot really control the actions of his client, to walk behind him and grab the hand every time she reaches for sweet.
But there were technologies that allow you to control it from a distance. For example, a project group of Taiwanese scientists called Smart Tooth involves implantation in a patient's jaw special chip that turns ordinary teeth into "smart". Implanted in enamel sensor will capture all the substances that were a man in his mouth, and regularly send a report of the dentist with a mobile phone. So that the doctor will know when the patient is smoking a cigarette or drinking strong coffee.
Patients dentists usually sent once or twice a year an appointment with your doctor for regular inspection, the aim of which is to control the already corrected the problems of the teeth and proactive identification of new ones. However, these campaigns easily avoided by using electronic dentist Oral Hygiene Monitor, which will examine and consultation at the patient. This is a special plate with a plurality of sensors that must occasionally be inserted into the mouth. It will scan for cleanliness jaw teeth, tooth decay, stone chip and other potential problems, as well as examine the existing fillings and dentures. The resulting device information Oral Hygiene Monitor will give your personal dentist to the indicators studied and decided whether you need a personal visit to him.
It is printed on a set of false teeth. Got incredible success three-dimensional printing, which every now and then we can hear in recent years, reached and dentures. Before the creation of an artificial teeth, bridges and jaws engaged manually by specially trained people, but now it has become possible to entrust the task and technology.
As an example, the work of Biomedical Research, which published the entire set of false teeth for 83-year-old Belgian woman, termination of this due to prolonged dental disease completely destroyed the natural bone. Development of three-dimensional model of the dentures and its printing took only two hours, while the traditional methods of manufacturing such prostheses occupy at least ten times more time.
In our time, "smart" technologies such are many devices that previously could not be suspected, and in the presence of intelligence. As an example, mind has found even a toothbrush!
Kolibree a high-tech personal care, which has a number of sensors, controls the process of cleaning the teeth by the user. You can use it to fix the duration of this activity as a whole, as well as the amount of time and effort that have been applied to the purification of one or another part of the jaw.
Smart toothbrushKolibree connects to your smartphone via a wireless interface Bluetooth. A special mobile application installed on your phone, just control the points above. The user can see the result of tooth brushing on the screen of your phone. The device will indicate what should be paid more attention during this process to avoid problems in the future.

Boron-mobile machine for visits to the elderly and the disabled. Paradoxically, the elderly need care more than others qualified dentist, but it is much more difficult for him to go than the youth and middle-aged people. Why was created mobile boron-machine for dentists who are going to go home to his ailing patients?
Boron Dentist machine has small size; it is light weight, and a wheel and handle through which it can be moved from place to place. It is designed specifically for visits to the elderly and people with disabilities who do not have the physical capacity to independently go to the dentist. Creator Dentist predicts that thanks to this device wills a real revolution in dentistry. After all, instead of the current clinics and offices will doctors individualists who are not tied to fixed premises, and therefore are willing to help people anywhere, including, and in their homes.

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