Thursday 27 November 2014

The Largest Fire-breathing Robot Dragon Tradinno

Almost every amusement park has the world in its arsenal any creation of robotics, which is ready at any moment to come to life and throw a trick. Typically, these machines are stationary, and those that are able to move around, as a rule, does not greatly exceed the size of the average person. But now they have a new standard of greatness a huge 8.1 meter robot from Zandt, Germany, can not only walk, but also spit fire.

During the creation of the giant robot company Zollner Electronic AG entered the Guinness Book of Records. This titanic robot dragon named Tradinno, a length of almost 17 meters, moves on four legs and breathes flame from the jaws and nostrils. Huge lizard has already passed several parades and festivals in Germany for the past couple of years. Zollner began working on Tradinno back in 2007, but won the world record for only about a year ago.
The only robot that in any way is able to approach the laurels Tradinno it Sauroposeidon of the amusement park Kings Island Theme Park in Ohio. Technically it is larger Tradinno, but unable to move. In the foreseeable future, the German super-dragon will not get any attempt on his throne of the world's largest robot.

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