Thursday 20 November 2014

Ghost High Speed Combat Boats - Storm Pirates

Latest Technology high-speed combat boats Ghost from Juliet Marine Systems is going to be a real storm sea pirates.
Ghost is designed for fast movement on the coastal shelf but because it is ideal for patrolling and escort missions in marine hot spots, like the Strait of Hormuz. Juliet Marine examines the problem of combating mosquito attacks for several years and built a Ghost, speed, agility, and a potential attacker is able to counter the threat. Although the exact characteristics of the speed and range of the boats have not been disclosed, it is known that Ghost uses jet engines and technology super cavitations that is, throws a veil of air bubbles, which reduces the resistance of the water. Also it is able to fully lift himself out of the water on the pontoons to tack on strong shallows just off the coast.

Armament Ghost also is worthy of respect. Juliet Marine recently announced that it is looking for Arms Company, which will fill the hidden weapons bay Ghost, located at its bottom. The range can include anything from machine guns to Mark 48. Also torpedo compartment can be converted into an additional fuel tank to increase range boats or refueling other vessels on the high seas.
Nowadays Ghost still under development, but for its completion it will be available for purchase by individuals.

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