Monday 10 November 2014

Innovators Becomes Victim Of Their Discoveries

People who want to do something revolutionary new, always at risk someone did not come up to expectations; some lose money, and someone risking their own lives. Izobretalyam had often had to endure their inventions to themselves, and sometimes it adds a tragic way. They Presents a selection of examples from the history, while inventing becoming a victim of their discoveries.

The inventor of the car Stanley Motor Carriage Company was killed in the accident. Twin brothers Stanley, Edgar and Oscar, invented the Stanley Steamer automobile in 1896. In 1906 they broke the world speed record for the mile 28.2 seconds. In 1918, the brothers sold the business. A year later, Francis Stanley died at the wheel, unsuccessfully dodging obstacles.

Bolshevik treated with blood transfusion and died of blood poisoning. One of the founders of the Bolshevik Party, Alexander Bogdanov, who was expelled before the start of the revolution in the 20s started experimenting with blood transfusions. He utverzhal it's a way to achieve eternal youth and even persuaded Stalin to open Institute of Blood Transfusion. After 11 blood transfusions, Bogdanov said that his vision is improving and stop hair fall from the head. But the next time he got infected blood Tuberculosis and Malaria.

In winged wings machine disconnected during the test. Henry Smolinski and Hal Blake invented AVE Mizar, a flying car with detachable wings. They thought that the vehicle will act as a mini-helicopter for short distances. After the flight, the driver could take wings and go to the airport. Both the inventor died when the wings are disconnected, while the machine was in the air.

Inventor of the aircraft lost control in the air after the peak. The person who inspired the inventors of the first airplane was Wright brothers Otto Lilienthal. He created his own aircraft at a time when flights were considered the lot of "dreamers and fools." Otto has committed more than 2 million flights, but once lost control and fell from a great height. He was in the hospital with a broken spine, but did not survive. It is said that some of his last words were: "Victims should be."

Marie Curie. Podoborku completes all known story of Marie Curie, winner of two Nobel Prizes in chemistry and physics for the study of radioactive materials. She discovered radium and polonium, which ultimately allowed the development of X-ray machine. In 1934, Marie Curie died of leukemia, which was the result of too long study of hazardous materials.
Suit-parachute did not load. French tailor Franz Richelle invented the parachute, which can be worn as clothing. In 1912, the inventor of the parachute jump from the Eiffel Tower. Police, he promised that he would use a dummy. But he jumped and died.
The first test of the balloon in flight was killed. Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier was one of two brave souls who decided to test the balloon in 1783. The first flight was a success, and success, as is known, is remembered worse than fakap. The next group of testers tried to fly across the English Channel, but nearly drowned. Despite the setback, the attention shifted to de Rozier, and he decided to "show the class." He created a ball name itself, which should be to solve problems arising from those testers. And took a flight alone - something went wrong, and de Rozier was killed under mysterious circumstances.

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