Friday 28 November 2014

Boyfriend turn into Girlfriend - Male to Female

When between two people forge new relationships, and a man and a woman is almost always ready for surprises and new discoveries in a partner. But there are surprises so shocking that they can undermine and even destroy the budding relationship. 20-year-old Charlotte Uri really surprised when her boyfriend told her that he actually was born a girl.

The girl even could not imagine that the muscular and bearded man, with whom she meets, initially came into this world in a female body.
For many years, 23-year-old Kieran Moloney kept his story a secret and did not tell anyone until his life has not appeared Charlotte. At the time of recognition of the couple has been together for two years. They're going to a wedding and have a baby using a sperm best friend Kieran.
Charlotte admitted that she never would have thought about such a secret of her boyfriend, but his confession did not change her feelings according to the girl, biology for her does not matter. "I was very surprised, but I love it for what it is, and see him as a man."
Kieran said: "When I first met Charlotte, I was struck by her beauty, but it was very scary to think about how she would react when she finds out that I used to be a girl. I needed to know that I can trust her, before I tell you about his secret. More of my girlfriends after admitting to trouble me, but when I told all of Charlotte, she took everything as it are.

Kieran has not yet suffered an operation, but the pair does not interfere with the physical floor guy. According to them, they enjoy a healthy Romantic life. Kiran lived as a man for seven years, and after a double mastectomy (breast removal) in 20 years, he finally felt comfortable in his own body.
According to the man, he was dissatisfied with her romance four years. He did not have any interest in girl's clothes and toys. And when he went to school, then became a goal for harassment, Children do not understand why I was different from others. I had no friends and social life, and I changed schools five times.
As a teenager, he did his best to hide her feminine figure, and at age 16 began to take hormone pills that lowered his voice and started growing male type.
Kieran's mother supported him and began to call his son. Gradually the body Kieran me, he began to engage in sports to enhance the feeling of male sports figures; he started to grow a beard and body hair. According to him, only then it was finally satisfied. In August 2012, Kieran changed his name and met Charlotte. Two months later, they moved in together, and now the couple plans to tie the knot and have some children. most importantly, that they will have two loving parents," said Charlotte

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