Sunday 19 October 2014

10 Strange Ways To Get Rid Of Hiccups

1 Stand with cancer and a drink of water  

The idea is that everything is logical, it is so you can easily avoid spontaneous contractions of the diaphragm, which is formed from a hiccup. But imagine that the man in the community, at work or at uni suddenly gets cancer, crawling to the table, pulls out a bottle of water and takes a sip of her required amount of water. Advisor Online recommends that if you do not help, pour into a bowl and vodichku polakat her, as do the seals or dogs. And now imagine what a huge success you will have at work when you get up, I'm sorry, cancer, pour her a bowl of water itself and will lap up her tongue.  

Stand up 2 Cancer and roar like a lion  

I do not know why the fans of Doctor of All Russia Malakhov so love to get up cancer. This definitely has some meaning, even physiological. But I do not want this deal. If you submit a picture in any setting other than home, it automatically turns into an epic thrash.  

3. Otrygni Air  

Either way, dude. Although, I personally do not see anything strange, though it's not aesthetically pleasing, if not at home.  

4. Induce Vomiting  

at one forum dude earnestly said that the best way to get rid of hiccups - is to induce vomiting. Do not just stick two fingers of his throat and put pressure on the tongue and cause a full vomiting, like bulimia. And the best way of poisoning - remove the stomach.  

5. Smoke Grass  

among the heap of sensible answers to one forum we found this one. Radikalnenko, e-mon !.  

6. Tie up a red thread around the head  

generaly, this method was used in the Middle Ages in Europe. In children it worked fine - they have focused on adults who wind red yarn around their head. Unfortunately, some people still believe that it can work now adults. We strongly recommend that, dude, do not pay attention to the ancient methods of treatment, otherwise I suggest you treat venereal sores by a toad that should be pierced with pins so that it is still alive, and put in a box until it turns into a skeleton.  

7. Kiss Passionately  

I never ever check out this advice in practice, but, IMHO, if you iknesh during the process, the girl is unlikely to enjoy. And at work, I will order someone to kiss?  

8. Crumble into powder fruits and herbs dope smelly  

One women's forum, we found this one strange advice. Once you find this strange grass, when it will still bear fruit, the resulting mixture should be placed on the tongue and wait for the hiccups pass. Dammit!  

9. Put Turnip Chest  

is simple: dig a turnip, cleans it off the ground and put your right on his chest white. What to do next and how to lie with turnip on his chest, the author did not elaborate.  

10. Make a "swallow" and in a position to drink ice water  

to join two good tips to for sure. The main thing - in the process of drinking not fall on the floor and not choke.  

However, if you have the hiccups last more than five to ten minutes, you need to see a doctor, and not to collect at midnight green smelly dope or digging turnip, because long-term hiccup - a sign that you can be something very harmful.

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