Thursday 30 October 2014

Artist Makes Jewelry From Breast Milk

When a child is born, parents traditionally seek to make an imprint of his palm or save a lock of hair. But American artist, mother of three, came up with a new way to preserve the memory of the appearance of the baby into the world it makes to order jewelry from breast milk.

[caption id="attachment_244" align="aligncenter" width="379"]jewellery-made-by-breast-milk Jewelry Made By Breast Milk[/caption]

Design and improvement of unusual breast milk preservation technology and transforming it into a resin Allicia Mogavero from Rhode Island took about seven years. Ceychas orders for pendants, rings and bracelets MommyMilk receives from all over the world.

Among zakazchitsa women from the Belgium, Australia, Italy, Germany, spain, china and Uk .Creation "Dairy designer" became so popular that during the pre-order is now 12 months.

To get the "milk" decoration takes about two tablespoons of milk, and you want to send to the artist in a sealed package. Having received such a package, Alicia plastifies milk, and then creates a wide variety of miniature forms. What did not you see on her ornaments: hearts, stars, moon, tiny palms and feet?

Then the figure of milk secured special decorative resin in a silver frame. At the request of the customer on the decoration can be done in the child's name or any other inscription.

In the manufacture of one-piece Alicia takes about five hours, and the average price of her works - $ 160. It is worth noting that the decoration of breast milk caused a very mixed reaction. Some claim that "the use of breast milk for decoration sounds disgusting." But the Designer Mogavero Alicia does not believe that so. She is sure that the jewelry that she makes, beautiful, and besides are propaganda so necessary newborns breastfeeding.


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