Monday 27 October 2014

Little Things That Could Change Life In The Us

We understand that govern the state, especially such as the United States, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Forgive us too, if we naively offer you sometimes obvious solutions to contemporary problems. For example.

  1. The cameras on the police.

Recently, the American police hit a lot of criticism from the same American society, and in particular on the part of detainees, and sometimes from relatives, which increasingly come and officers say their 14-year-old son, nigga resisted arrest and accident received 16 bullets. Americans everywhere are accused law enforcement of abuse of office.

Imagine a situation where a cop breaks into the house of potential criminal breaks the door and makes a shot in the leg or shoulder. Cowboy, his mother. Later, at the trial it appears that the defendant is innocent, or even a cop wrong door, and besides, he was ready to follow the man in form without any resistance. And the problem could solve simple camera mounted on a police officer.

As a result of such proceedings American society loses confidence in the police, and the police in response to all zhetche deal with detainees this vicious circle of justice in the American way.

The obvious solution:

Some police stations in different states require all employees to fasten small webcam. Of course, 30 years ago it would have been impossible, because carrying all the equipment needed would be the second officer or operator. But now in the palm of one can fit a dozen cameras.

You can catch her by the collar, instead of the buttons on the cap or on the arms. For example, the city police department in Rialto California stun equips all cameras that are activated when removing the unit from the fuse. As a result, the complaints of the population decreased by 88%, but increased complaints officers.

It was played by two factors the fear of being caught in the act and, actually, the footage could resolve any dispute. Both these factors affect both sides of the conflict situation.

  1. The sign of "fusion" on the roads.

Standard picture 7 am, American late for work and rushing to his car to borrow under its belt at all stages and then his streak ends, and such as he hammered the whole road. Nobody wants to miss one forward.

That's because there is one lane cork, which is waiting for a miracle. No beep, no swearing does not help to speed up the movement. No one in America does not know how to cope with this problem ...

The obvious solution:

Sign of the "fusion" could solve the problem of traffic jams. In Germany and throughout the world, are already practicing this innovation, and those who refuse to obey the traffic rules, ruthlessly fines. According to the rules, when the two bands into one cars should be built in a staggered manner. This approach reduces traffic congestion by 40%.

But what works in Germany, does not mean it will work everywhere. But in Pennsylvania has adopted the experience of German cops. In addition to reducing traffic congestion, logisticians have recorded decrease aggressive driving.

  1. The four-day workweek.

5 days a week, 40 hours when a teenager hears, finishing college, he has a mild fever, starts shaking knees and sweaty palms. It feels every American, but he was nowhere to go, he had to repay the loan, which he took to higher education.

Precisely because of this, always in the same time forms a plug at one and the same stretch of road. Why 5 days? Is that the way it is written in the Bible, in which so believe every American?

The obvious solution:

Utah cut the working week for exactly one day, but adds 2 working hours in each day. And workers reported an increase in morale and leadership the company states on the growth of productivity.

Unload the track, and thus reduce the emissions of carbon into the atmosphere. But the state government in 2011, the year returned to their seats because it was difficult to work with the rest of the country, not because it did not work.

The public did not complain to the shorter working week. This meant that once government offices are closed on Fridays, so they take longer to work in the rest of the week. And this in turn means that you can manage to arrange inspection after work, say, on Wednesday.

People prefer a longer working day, if he frees them another day off. The government cannot force businesses to switch to four-day working week, but most likely it will not be necessary, because all the statistics and the rich only trumpeting about the benefits of small everyday life for average American slaves.

  1. The ban on pharmaceutical advertising.

Modern American cannot distinguish a kidney from the liver. Therefore, experts spend the best years of his life, to get education and then continually follow the adage "age live - and learn." In addition to the processes of the body, doctors are obliged to deal in drugs. No matter where in the advertisement says: "Cannot cope with constipation while watching a football match? Our drug XXX solves your problem!  Where marketers know that will solve the problem? Suddenly required surgery and pills advertised only aggravate health?

For two years in college advertisers are taught that their salary does not depend on demand and the ability to offer. In fact, they are beautifully told what American wants to hear, and no more. Take the word of man in a white coat with a flat-screen seriously, the same thing, that if, after the operation, you know that your surgeon to do the operation on the heart - just an actor. Especially because the most effective drugs are usually cheaper because they always know about the doctors always prescribe them.

The manufacturers of these drugs do not need to chase after profits and fame that they are already all there.

The obvious solution:

Consider the prohibition of such advertising.

In the world there are only a few countries where you can advertise medicines without Kaki any restrictions, and America among them. That is, in most countries understand that the pharmaceutical companies are set to more profit, not on quality.

As a consequence, huge advertising campaigns ruined many lives. For example, in the late 1970s, the United States struck viral infomercial about a cure for headaches. This medication is able to cope with a headache, that's just the side effects has not been canceled. The descendants of those who took the drug were born with physical disabilities. Although the people who believe in advertising, in my opinion, already born with a deviation.

  1. Free houses for the homeless.

Homeless is a huge burden on American society. Rich Americans disgusted look at the smelly drunks, rotting in boxes at the nightclub, and, of course, their toad strangling pay their taxes to the government take care of them.

It is difficult even to count the size of the problem, because it is impossible to count officially non-existent people who do not have residence permits, documents that do not undergo an annual medical examination. In America, think only those who are willing to pay.

The obvious solution:

We need to give them all the free housing. Nobody demands for their luxurious mansions, like the stars of showbiz. Simple condominiums with shower and toilet will solve the problem. Provide shelter to the homeless, Americans expect to save taxpayers money.

Approximately one homeless person costs the US 41,000 dollars a year. Often, this contingent has health problems, there are also mental. Not a good life, they become homeless.

In Nashville, established social house for the homeless, where everyone is invited to free housing. By counting the number of homeless people, the costs for the previous year and the costs for this, it became clear that the city treasury 16281 dollar saved on a homeless man.

It is foolish to expect from binge drinkers that as soon as he will be in a heated room, then immediately pour their entire cheap viskar sink. But as a rule, the people who have given a second chance, they tried to grasp it.

But this time, the problem lies in the very richest Americans. They are due to the hazard will keep homeless people on the street just because they cannot bear the thought that some drunk will be free to live in the apartment while they tear their pants in order to make the next payment on the mortgage.

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