Wednesday 29 October 2014

The First Recorded Case Depending On The Smart Glasses

American psychologists have a unique chance to see a person suffering from dependence on glasses Google.

Psychologists first tried to help a person get rid of Internet addiction caused by the abuse of Google Glass. Without this gadget patient showed all the signs of withdrawal symptoms, and even in his sleep he dreamed that he wears glasses. It was an unprecedented case of so-called problem of using Google Glass.

The patient, 31-year-old mechanic from the US Navy to use the unit for 18 hours a day, he shot glasses only when sleeping or taking a shower. In otstutstvii gadget he complained of an easy temper, and then began to suffer from involuntary movements of limbs, then started to have problems with memory. In addition, within two months, the patient had dreams, and they looked as if he was looking through their Google Glass.

Perhaps revealing here is that this person already has in his history of depression, anxiety and increased propensity for obsessive-compulsive disorder. And consequently, may have a tendency to drug dependence, and as a drug in this time were notorious glasses. Anyway, psychologist’s patient explained that very much worries without my glasses, and that this condition is much worse than the heaviest hangover that he had ever experienced.

And yet all the time the patient was doing involuntary movements of the hand toward the temple, as if trying to press a button on the glasses. He was appointed as a course of treatment lasting for 35 days, resulting in a marked reduction in irritability, the number of involuntary hand movements also decreased. Short-term memory and clear thinking of the patient improved significantly, but he still sees strange dreams that look at the world through your device.

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