Sunday 19 October 2014

7 Reasons Not To Leave Russia

This material is addressed to people who regularly visit the pulse "time to bring down." Dear citizens, early to catch the bags. In Russia, everything will be fine!  

"Prophetic" Reason  

Many Orthodox elders, both Russian and Athos, predicted a great future for Russia in the "end times." Almost all of the prophecies of the saints are the same in the fact that Russia will regain its former glory, and even become a new ark. We present here a quote Reverend Laurence of Chernigov, Russian saint and seer: "... there will be a spiritual explosion! And Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands will be a mighty kingdom. Nourish it will be God's Anointed King Orthodox. Thanks to him, Russia will disappear all schisms and heresies. The persecution of the Orthodox Church will not. Lord have mercy on Holy Russia, because it has been a terrible time Antichrist. Russian Orthodox Tsar-Autocrat will fear even the Antichrist. And all other countries except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be ruled by the Antichrist and experience all the horrors and torments that are written in the Holy Scriptures. In Russia, however, is the prosperity of faith and triumph, but only for a short time, for Judge Fear comes to judge the living and the dead. "  

"Transcendent" Reason  

in 1902 the famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce fell into a trance and saw the following picture. City of the western and eastern coast of the United States are in ruins; Japan has gone completely under water, and the United Kingdom - in half. Where the flood, where volcanoes and earthquakes, epidemics ... And only the territory of Russia represented in this ruin the island being. Casey long pondered his terrible vision, and came to the conclusion that all the damage will occur in the XXI century because of global natural disaster, which almost touches the territory of Western Siberia, which will be a new ark, where will the new revival of civilization. It is interesting that, according to the clairvoyant, harsh Siberian climate in the XXI century significantly softened with pine cones here will grow mangoes, bananas and pineapples.  

course, the vision of Casey looks exotic, but it is worth it to take carefully - this American clairvoyant predicted the beginning of two world wars, the creation of the State of Israel, the independence of India, the assassination of John F. Kennedy and many more.  

"Freshwater" Reason  

Scientists estimate that probably 25 years the world expects hard "freshwater" crisis caused by an acute shortage of fresh water. Most likely, after 10 years, the water becomes a commodity like oil. So, Russia is the richest freshwater power, which has nearly half of the world's reserves of water. Baikal alone represents 20% of water supplies.  

Therefore, remember one simple chain of logic and will remember it every time during the temptation to leave his homeland: "Water - that's life! Russia - it is water! Russia - this is the life! "  

"Arctic" Reason  

, as you know, the Arctic ice is rapidly melting. On the one hand, it's not good for the polar fauna, and on the other - it opens up new economic opportunities for our country. According to the calculations of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, freed from ice territory claimed by Russia, may contain up to 586 billion barrels of oil. For comparison, all current proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia, the world's main supplier of oil, are only 260 billion barrels. In other words, no pants, we will not stay.  

Moreover, the melting of glaciers in the Arctic opens up new perspectives in the shipping industry. For example, the path through the Arctic (in the future "neledovity") ocean will reduce the distance between Rotterdam and Yokohama from 11 to 200 nautical miles (the length of this voyage through the Suez Canal) until 6500 - more than 40%. That is, the release of ice in the Arctic territory fundamentally change the current structure of world trade. In favor of Russia, of course, which is the largest coastal area in the Arctic.  

"Geopolitical" Reason  

of its geographical location and the expanses of Russia is the only country in the world that can not be fully occupy. This, for example, constantly reminded the German Kaiser, Bismarck, as well as other great military strategists.  

We can not be driven into a corner: You can only move a little bit from the boundaries. And then we catch your breath, type forces and the pursuit of the enemy to "Paris yes Berlin."  

"Collective" cause of  

the Russian people is characterized by collectivism, Catholic. The feeling of one team may be dormant, hibernation, a state for decades, but the most difficult hour, we, Russian, (and only we) can quickly be mobilized in the most terrible moment in a "single Russian soul" and survive the disaster. So it was in the Great Patriotic War, as it was in the Great Patriotic War, always will be ... The future promises to be challenging, new wars, new disasters, and experience the challenges of history better with native people, whom God has given an amazing life immunity.  

"Soul" reason  

in Russia say , "where he was born there and handy." And it's not just words. Russian man differs subtle psychic structure that will never make it to their nor pragmatic West or in the "relaxed" East. Ethnopsychology say that the natives of Russia most heavily socialized in Western countries - "Russian gene" is very resistant to all the benefits of European civilization. Even the "hardcore" Westerners, leaving "Raschke" begin to suffer bouts of nostalgia, because only with a Russian man can talk heart to heart. And in another way, and we do not know how.

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