Friday 24 October 2014

Most Unusual And Shocking Restaurants In The World

Always a pleasure and a dinner at a new restaurant, especially if there was a facility with an unusual menu or with a unique atmosphere, which want to tell everyone about how this adventure. internationaly there are strange places where you can dine, but not everyone is worthy of our list.

[caption id="attachment_119" align="aligncenter" width="419"]shocking-restaurant Unusual And Shocking Restaurant[/caption]

Organize a themed bar or a museum is always easier than a restaurant, so it is very difficult to combine the atmosphere, food and visitors under one concept. H, if you managed to do it properly, you will get a place where families, courting couples and friends will be satisfied with everything and not for one night, they will become repeat customers, or at least will long remember the unforgettable experience of the visit.

Restaurant Safe House (secret apartment) (Milwaukee, WI).
If you want to feel like a spy, then this restaurant is for you. It is located in a back alley. For those who do not know how to get down the lane in the heart of Milwaukee, this is an adventure, and to get into the restaurant, it is necessary to say a word password. What's the password, we cannot tell, you need to go to the website of the restaurant and find clues. On the walls in the room you can see the different spy stuff. Who works in a restaurant, you do not know, but it seems that wizards. In addition, looking at the wall, it seems that opens a secret passage, if they push in a certain place. The restaurant serves a martini James Bond.

Restaurant "TvinStars" (Moscow, Russia).
If you have double vision after a few glasses, we advise you not to drink if you reserved a table at a restaurant "TvinStars." The fact is that everyone who works in the restaurant - the twins, and its tough policy institution. They dressed alike. The same restaurant was opened in New York City actor Tom Beringer in 1994godu. If you have a twin, we would certainly advise to visit this place, but to resist and not to drink, not to the four eyes.

Restaurant Dick's Last Resort (restaurant chain, USA).
Be prepared for the fact that the staff of the institution intentionally behaves rudely. We do not think that you will become a regular customer of the institution where you are many times referred to as "by shit", but once you can see, for the sake of interest. Meals in the restaurant grilled or fried, and served in buckets and baskets. In restaurants with similar privileges, for example, Ed Debevic's, where the atmosphere is supported by the 50s, also made rude to treat visitors. Many settled and visited similar places, while others believe that it is inadmissible when the waiters are rude and obscene name-calling guests.

Restaurant New Lucky (Ahmedabad, India).
This restaurant is not for the faint-hearted people, as he not only built on the old Muslim cemetery, but the tables are next to the graves. Local residents, who believe in reincarnation, do not attach much importance to this fact, as life and death are very closely intertwined in their religion. Beginners, of course, will be in shock, but experienced waiters will help you find the place. For those who like to have fun, this is a great chance to hear: "The food is worth it to die for it."

Restaurant Ninja New York (Ninja New York).
In the popular Japanese restaurant Ninja New York in the Tribeca neighborhood all created under the concept of "Ninja". Elusive Ninja waiters (actors, of course) suddenly appear to take the order, and just as suddenly disappear. Particularly impressive is the preparation of sushi and various meats on the fire. In addition, from time to time show ninja tricks to entertain guests, sometimes with knives.

Restaurant Opaque (Darkness) (a chain of restaurants in the United States).
This is another institution where you may give up alcohol. Restaurant Opaque is a place where everyone eats in total darkness. The idea came to mealtime with visitors exacerbated the sense of smell, tactile, taste and hearing. It is a place to visit which should be ready, as if you go through problematic to the bathroom in the dark in his apartment, then you just do not here.

Ice restaurant Lainio Snow Village (Yullasyarvi, Finland).
The restaurant, which is in the hotel, is made entirely of ice the walls, floor, tables and even dishes. Do not be late, and then your soup to cool down! The bar serves vodka.

Restaurant "Buns and Guns" (Buns and Guns).
Sometimes it is enough just to say the name of the institution and tell a little about his conception of how your friends are thrown into shock. What happens, you call the restaurant you Buns and Guns in Beirut, whose motto is: "A sandwich preserve kill you." The restaurant is trouble-free to find a dish named"pomegranate" or "B25". But this does not mean that the institution promotes war, most likely it is for the sake of a joke. Unfortunately, the restaurant is closed.

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