Sunday 26 October 2014

Some Reasons Why You Have A Dependency On Video Games

If you are really addicted to video games, you probably often hear from your relatives and friends wishes stop. "You have to get out of your room and relax a little!", "You, but to play, to do anything at all?" Or "go for a walk with your friends! When I was at your age, we did not have video games, and the time we spent in a different way!
If you enjoy video games, what's wrong? Absolutely there is nothing. Play video games, of course, fun. You can move yourself into a completely different world and solve a huge number of virtual problems.
On the other hand, video games can result in serious consequences if they become your dependence. No matter how much time you spend on video games, the main thing is how you treat them. If you play a lot, but at the same time to do other important things in your life, then you have no dependence. However, if you play in the "non-stop" and do not pay attention to what is happening around you, then you will certainly have an addiction. In other words, if your passion for video games negatively affect the real life, besides addiction, it's different not name.
Dependence on video games is a big problem of modern culture. Many people tend to be interested in one question: how and why this relationship occurs? The reasons are different, mostly psychological in nature, and we will discuss them.
Videogames lead you into a rage when someone tells you it's time to stop. There is nothing wrong in the fact that you are fond of video games. However, if you do not adequately respond to the requests of others to stay, then you definitely have a problem with addiction. Hardcore gamer’s factory with a twist, when their parents or friends tell them to break away from the game. We will become a balk and, ultimately, just continue to play, improving skills and virtual levels, while our real life goes on.
Video games make you think that the virtual world it is reality. After a long time, playing video game is easy to start thinking that the virtual world is actually real. But the worst thing is that we take small, individual components of the game as real. For example, if the side goal of the game is to collect as many coins, so in our head start thinking about what these coins are more valuable than real money. If we begin to appreciate the virtual objects larger than the real thing, this is, again, takes away our actual life on the back burner.
Video games force you to deny their relationship. When you say that you are addicted to video games, to you, it acts as a red rag to a bull. You're angry, deny everything ... and then continue to play as if nothing had happened. Many people who are too addicted to video games or just started on this path, not really aware of their dependence, so there will always be unlocked, we need only to mention it. The good news is that if you recognize their dependence on video games, then you have all the chances to get rid of it, as opposed to those people who vehemently deny it.
Videogames make you spend a lot of money. When we fully pass one game, then immediately proceed to another or postpone savings and look forward to the continuation of the output. Usually people spend money on things such as paying taxes, mortgage, and car loan, repayment of utility bills, food, clothes and stuff. Additional means we go for entertainment, and gamers, video and computer games. But the longer we play various games, the more you spend. And with time on this hobby would be to leave as much will not pull even our core budget. Needless to say, this is not normal? Today, many people are turning too careless with their money is one of the reasons why there is a dependence on video games.
Videogames make you lose interest in the outside world. The more we play, the less it becomes interesting private lives and the world. In many ways, this is what defines the difference between the dependent person video games and casual gamers. Last time and find your favorite games, and your life. The person who is addicted to video games, only interested in the same virtual world. Why? Yes, because playing for hours on end for it is more important than work or socializing with friends. This can too go ahead to severe harms with psychological and physical health.
Videogames make you call the room where you play them, their home. No matter where you're playing video games: your room, basement or living room. A person who becomes dependent on video games will eventually become call home the place where he plays. Not my room - namely the house. That's right; after they leave the place only when they need to go to the bathroom or the kitchen to something quickly to intercept, without departing from the refrigerator, or to order a pizza over the phone. If a person starts to think: "Why should I be somewhere else if my place is here?", Then he became addicted to video games.
Videogames are output, if you have social problems. This item mainly refers to those who have certain problems of a social nature. These people want to get away from the outside world, and video games, in their opinion, the best way to do it. In fact, they run not from the world, but from the accumulated problems that they seem insoluble. In this case, video games is not an option, but only a pretext and justification.
Video games take your precious time. Our "I'm only 30 minutes of play and the whole thing," typically takes quite a few hours. Nowadays, lots of people are turning too carelessly, not only with their money, but also time.
Videogames make you lie to yourself. This item is directly connected to all the previous ones. You become addicted to video games, going to lie to yourself about the time and the money (wasted) spend on them, refusing to admit that you have a relationship, the loss of attention in the outer surface humanity, and so on.
Videogames make you live someone else's life. And finally, the main reason why video games are so addicting and beckon you - it is an opportunity to live someone else's life in a totally different, new world, where there are completely different rules, physics and technology. When you do not like your real life, you are instead of something to change, prefer to escape from reality, because in the virtual world, it's much easier. Remember, you have one life, and only depends on you, as you will live it.

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