Monday 27 October 2014

Australian Chef Killed His Wife & Tried To Cook Her Remains

Incident happens right in their house in Brisbane (Australia). Later it was recognized the characteristics of those killed.

28 year-old victim Marcus Peter Folke became native Indonesia named Mayang Prasetio. Earlier, the 27-year-old woman worked as a prostitute and sent earnings to their relatives in Indonesia. Open and other interesting details of her biography, as it turned out, Mayang was transsexual.

Remains found murdered in a pot in the house where she lived with her husband. It turned out that the man was trying to get rid of them, cook in certain chemicals. When the police came for him, the man first tried to escape, and then cut his throat. His body was found in a dumpster near the house, says Daily Mail.

According Courier Mail, with Mayang Folke met on a cruise ship: and they both worked there together. therefore Mayang has not yet done its "complete transformation into a woman" and wanted to complete this process. She had planned to finally change their sex, to adopt a child and do business.

Working in the sex industry, which previously worked Mayang, brought her good income: the hour of her services worth up to $ 500. The money she sent home, they went to the training of her two underage sisters.

Mayang and Folke married in 2013, after which the couple began living together. Mother of men said that her son was all right, but the last year and a half they have not seen. She knew about his girlfriend from Indonesia, but she never met with her a single time. In addition, her parents did not know exactly what has been their son. However, they are constantly called up, and Folke promised to come to them at Christmas with his wife.

While in the apartment where the couple lived, not the police arrived, none of the neighbors noticed the disappearance of Mayang. However, some of them said that they felt the unpleasant smell, like the smell of spoiled meat. It is because of this neighbor and call the police. Investigators have yet to determine what prompted the man to the crime. According to preliminary data, he had not suffered from mental illness and had no problems with the law.

Some friends of the pair say that the couple lived happily together. Other Folke characterize as "a little strange" and noted that he was very jealous of his wife, and even threatening her. In particular, he wrote spouse angry comments at "Facebook". The mother of the deceased said that the daughter wanted to go back to her in Bali, as in Australia, she was bored.

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