Friday 24 October 2014

Tomatoes And Their Beneficial Properties

Tomatoes are often referred to as vegetables, in fact, in terms of botany, they are classified as fruits. Not surprisingly, it confuses many people because the tomatoes are usually sold in supermarkets is in the vegetable department.

Tomatoes are rich in numerous and various vitamins, which make them an ideal product for the daily diet. It can be assumed that with the use of tomatoes body gets the necessary amount of vitamins A, B, C, and K, as well as magnesium, copper, nicotinamide (vitamin PP), thiamine, phosphorus, potassium, and salts of folic acid, which are contained in abundance in these lowly fruits.

Best tomatoes are bright red in color, with a smooth skin without wrinkles and folds, firm to the touch (of course, there are many variations, a variety of colors, including black and yellow). Ripe and soft tomatoes are best used for cooking sauces and baked dishes.

When the tomatoes are covered with black dots and their skin is covered with wrinkles - they are no longer suitable for human consumption. It is necessary to store them in the refrigerator in a special container for vegetables and regularly inspected to ensure that they have not started to blacken. Unripe tomatoes are usually spread on the window sill so they ripened under the soft sunlight.

In case of excessive water content, tomatoes are not suitable for storage in the refrigerator, unless they are intended for subsequent heat treatment. The fact is that the too low water temperature in tomatoes begins to crystallize, which makes them soft after thawing.

Tomatoes have a low content of saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. Also, they are very low in calories, which is another important reason to incorporate them in a large amount at any healthy diet.

Here are ten most significant evidence of the extraordinary benefits of regular consumption of tomatoes in food.

  1. It is believed that regular consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of prostate cancer, as well as these types of deadly diseases such as cancer of the larynx, pharynx, esophagus, oral cavity, cervical spine, lung, stomach, colon and ovarian cancer. These remarkable properties are required tomatoes they contain lycopene. Many experts are of the opinion that this dish with tomatoes and olive oil are the reason for the low level of cancer in the Mediterranean countries.

  2. Not all know that tomatoes are rich in calcium. This means that their use is very useful for the bones. As already mentioned, they contain vitamin K, which contributes to the health and strength of bone. Lycopene, among others, also participated in strengthening its ability to prevent bone loss. This is especially important for those who enter into old age, when I first make them known diseases such as osteoporosis.

  3. Those that experience sleep problems; it is useful at night to drink a glass of tomato juice. According to verified data, it helps to have a more robust and healthy slept.

  4. Tomatoes are a real salvation for our skin. A high level of lycopene slows down the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and makes the skin protected from exposure to sunlight. It is an effective antioxidant, an invaluable way to maintain a healthy and beautiful skin.

  5. Smoking is leads to the accumulation of harmful carcinogens. Coumaric and chlorogenic acids contained in tomatoes, protect the body from carcinogens resulting from smoking.

  6. The antioxidant properties of tomatoes also help neutralize harmful free radicals and minimize the return they injury.

  7. Vitamin A is contained in tomatoes, helps to maintain and improve the condition of hair, make them stronger and shinier. It is also needed for healthy skin, nails, teeth, so it's easy to see beneficial effects after some time of regular use of tomatoes.

  8. Tomatoes are extremely useful for the eyes. Vitamins A uC help improve vision and prevent the development of the so-called night blindness (weakening of twilight). Vitamin A is an essential factor in reducing the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Several other antioxidants in the composition of tomatoes protect the eyes from the harmful effects of bright light.

  9. People with diabetes are obliged to include in its steady diet of tomatoes because they contain chromium helps regulate blood sugar levels. Tomatoes contain a very small amount of carbohydrates and very high in fiber, which also helps to maintain a safe level of sugar.

  10. Vitamins A, B, C and potassium tomatoes make a valuable product for the heart. They lower the level of cholesterol, prevent pressure surges, angina pectoris, and in combination with other nutrients lower the risk of heart disease.

As you can see, the tomatoes have an arsenal of useful qualities for the human body. However, they are not only useful, but also surprisingly tasty. In addition, they are characterized by good compatibility with other products: tomatoes can be eaten in a variety of combinations: salad, sandwiches, soups, sauces, fries and so on. When cooked, they give a wonderful flavor to any dish hue.

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