Tuesday 28 October 2014

6 Myths About Alcohol, In Which Everyone Believes

Despite the fact that alcohol is an inherent part of holidays, celebrations, meetings, friends, gatherings, hanging and other things most people know almost nothing about him.

Around the drinking happens quite a few myths? This article will be debunked most ridiculous of them.

Myth 1. Alcoholic is a person who drinks too much

We used to think that a person, who uses too much alcohol, certainly is an alcoholic. It all starts with a small glass. Gradually, the dose of alcohol consumed increases, and, ultimately, a transition to the stage of abuse.

Reality:   How do you think, can it be considered an alcoholic student who pretty drunk in the evenings several times a week? Even if his behavior does not change after graduation, he is unlikely to turn into a hopeless drunkard, vlachaschih his miserable existence. As though it may sound paradoxical, but in fact most people who drink too much, are not alkogolezavisimymi. This is one of the many reasons why those who really have a problem with alcohol abuse, sometimes so hard to get help.

So, if a person who drinks a lot, is not an alcoholic, who then falls into this category? People, who are looking using the glasses to solve their problems, cope with stress, overcome depression and so on. The emergence of alcohol dependence is most often due to causes physiological and psychological in nature, and not the amount of consumed alcohol. People who are trying to recover from alcoholism, quickly realize that "do not drink" is only part of the struggle, because what made ​​them dependent, not gone anywhere. When a person who is drunk a lot, but it could easily do without booze following week, said "I am not an addicted alcoholic, I just use to drink occasionally,” And the same words we heard from someone who really depends on the alcohol, are lies, with it, first of all, lying to myself.

Myth 2. A glass of liquor in the morning helps relieve the symptoms of a hangover

In the evening if you have not calculated their capabilities and drank too much alcohol, the next morning you will inevitably awaits hangover, the main symptoms are dry mouth, nausea, heaviness in the head and body. To get rid of it, people have resorted to a method, centuries passed from generation to generation: they drop a glass of alcohol that is treated like with like, taking hangover for alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Reality:   The fact that hangover and alcohol withdrawal syndrome are two completely different things.

Most people have never in my life experienced alcohol withdrawal syndrome, as this condition is inherent only in chronic alcoholics. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome observed in humans with full or partial discontinuation of spirits after their long and regular use, while hangover is the body's response to toxic substances produced by the decay of alcohol.

It is known that alcohol suppresses the pituitary vasopressin that leads to a general dehydration is hence, headaches, fatigue, confusion, and nausea. Cleavage of alcohol in the liver accompanied by the formation of a toxic compound called acetaldehyde, which acts intoxicating person.

A glass of alcohol in the morning after a rough night of fun will bring only short-term relief, then you will only get worse as you continue to "feed" your body of toxins that there already enough.

Myth 3. Those or other type of wine can be combined only with certain products

Everyone knows that the choice of wine, anyway, depends on what you're going to have. Owners of fine restaurants often employ a sommelier is a person who helps visitors chooses the wine so that it blends perfectly with the dishes ordered.

Reality:   In fact, all this nonsense and stupidity. Wine experts are only interested to sell you a bottle of expensive.

The only thing you need to rely when choosing wine and snacks it's your personal taste preferences. If you cannot stand the combination of white wine and fruit, replace the last on his favorite dish - roast chicken, for example. Remember: everyone has his own taste - who likes melon and who - watermelon.

Wine experts annually spend dozens of research in order to confirm or refute these or other theories about the compatibility of wine with certain foods. Recently, they found that what will give wine depends not on your chosen dishes; the whole point lies in the interaction of primary tastes. So sweet snacks give the wine bitter and sour, when combined with the salty taste of the products it becomes richer and softer. The important thing is not so much the dish (fish, meat and so on), but the method and the subtleties of cooking (salt, spices, etc.).

Myth 4. The beer should be drunk before eating spirits, and not after the

First drink alcoholic beverages and then strong the most common recommendations that follow everything heavy drinkers who do not want to deal with a morning hangover. In other words - "cannot lower the degree."

Reality:   Actually, what matters are not so much a fortress, and the sequence of reception of alcoholic drinks as the number in which you eat them? If you have an evening drink four beers and three glasses of vodka in the morning you will in any case it will be bad, no matter in what order they were in your stomach.

This myth likely came from the fact that in the beginning everything as usually drink less spirits, and then - that will have.

Myth 5. Operate the gag reflex sober and help you avoid a hangover

Most people believe that if in the midst of the fun you have touched alcohol and you vomit up the alcohol had time to get to blood, and then it will help you get a sobering and avoid a hangover the next morning.

Reality:   Actually vomiting cannot rid your body of alcohol before it gets into the bloodstream, as most of it is already there! Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine. This process happens so quickly that the only way to prevent it - is to cause a gag reflex immediately after drinking.

When you have touched, the cause of your poor health and sickness is not alcohol, and an overabundance of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. However, before its contents will break out, alcohol will have time to get into the bloodstream - and sobering, alas, did not come.

Myth 6. Abuse of alcohol by minors is reaching epidemic proportions; at least so say the majority of parents whose children are in their teens.

Reality:   In fact, the level of consumption of alcohol by minors falls when compared with previous years. Between 1983 and 1997, the number of teens abusing alcohol decreased. But given the fact that most statistical studies ordered by interested organizations in determining the outcome, they often have to manipulate the original data to prove their position, which may run counter to the dry statistics.

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