Monday 20 October 2014

6 Unexpected Things Used In Medicine

Probably described in the compilation of medical practice will seem a joke or another "duck" of journalists working in the "yellow" newspapers and magazines, but the startling methods of treatment and diagnosis of various diseases (including deadly) proved to be effective in practice. This proves once again that researchers and inventors do not neglect the implementation of ideas that at first glance look delusional contrary to traditional medicine "frivolous" methods may well save someone life.

[caption id="attachment_34" align="aligncenter" width="417"]unexpected-medical-things Medicine Supporting Things[/caption]

"Tetris" helps with problems with vision. "Tetris", which appeared in the mid 1980s, despite its simplicity and the absence of any frills graphics, quickly became one of the best-selling video game market and still remains one of the most popular computer "toys" of all time. Until recently it was believed that with the help of "Tetris," people may well brighten up your leisure time, but no more. However, researchers from McGill University (Montreal, Canada) argue that "Tetris" helps in the treatment of eye problems, to be precise the disease called amblyopia, also known as "lazy eye." When amblyopia vision correction using contact lenses and glasses are not, so doctors often resort to surgery, but even it is not always possible to fully restore the patient acuity. Canadian researchers found that in the game of "Tetris" with the use of special glasses in people with amblyopia, there has been some improvement in the functioning of the affected eye disease. Points are forcing the patient to focus on laying multi colored blocks is "lazy" eye, while the healthy eye sees only the image background. Currently, Canadians conduct further research in this direction.

Tar cope with psoriasis. Oddly enough, but coal tar (tar), which is used mainly in the production of benzene, toluene, naphthalene and bitumen, also has been used successfully to treat a variety of skin diseases such as psoriasis, with about its miraculous medicinal properties known for quite some time. In the 1920s, American dermatologist William H. Gokerman developed a method for the treatment of psoriasis, which now bears the name Gokermana mode. Therapy combines the use of tar and ultraviolet radiation the affected areas of psoriasis is coated with resin, after some time it was removed, and the skin is then treated with ultraviolet light. These procedures are repeated every day several times, the treatment can last from two to six weeks. Despite the fact that there are more modern methods of treatment of psoriasis, many patients and physicians around the world still prefer to use mode Gokermana by virtue of its simplicity, low cost and high efficiency. It should be noted that the tar also often include shampoos, and anti-dandruff agents.

With gold can treat arthritis. People from ancient times used in medicine precious metals for example, the Greeks believed that gold displays warts, mention about the healing properties of this precious metal found in the official London vault of medical standards and regulations of the year 1618. After the famous German bakteriogog Robert Koch discovered that gold cyanide kills the bacteria of tuberculosis, doctors have tried to use the precious metal for the treatment of this dangerous disease, but without success. Nevertheless, the study of Koch suggest that gold can help with rheumatoid arthritis (in the beginning of XXth century, it was believed that there was a link between TB and the development of arthritis), and confirmed the effectiveness of the practice of injecting a solution of gold. "Gold" drug acted as an anti-inflammatory, preventing damage to the joints, but this method has had numerous side effects, including - problems with kidney and intestinal ulcers, rashes and liver damage. In the 1990s, a new generation of drugs based on gold, free from flaws predecessors, now they are widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and some other rheumatic and autoimmune diseases.

"Coca-Cola" cleanses the intestines. Term fitobezoar physicians indicate accumulation of plant residues neperevarivshihsya usually food in the stomach or intestines, which form a dense "plug" impede the conclusion of products of digestion from the body. To understand just how serious the problem can create fitobezoar, just type in a search engine query and the corresponding "enjoy" many colorful pictures. Illness especially common in Asian countries where popular fruits and vegetables, such as persimmon often it is her stomach cannot digest without a trace. Previously, the main method of medical care at fitobezoare considered surgery, but recently doctors discovered another, much simpler way to get fitobeoarovuyu "plug" it turned out that it is perfectly normal soluble "Coca-Cola". Its acidity "Kola" is close to the gastric juice, in addition, it contains a large number of gas bubbles, all together it allows you to completely dissolve or soften fitobezoar him so much that he easily deduced by the body, relieving a person from having to go to surgery. The effectiveness of treatment, "Coca-Cola" is very high it helps more than 90% of cases.

The guidance system of anti tank missiles to diagnose malaria, Sounds like the ravings of a schizophrenic, but it's true equipment, created on the basis of thermal homing sensor used in anti-tank missiles that can detect malaria in the early stages of its development, which greatly increases the chances of the patient for a successful recovery. By combining the so-called lattice focal plane (one of the main elements of the sensor) with an infrared microscope, researchers from Monash University and the University of Melbourne were able to see the malaria parasite is actually in the "infancy" of age, within four minutes after they enter the red blood cells, and long before the appearance of a person outward signs of infection. It is worth noting that from malaria each year die from 1.3 to 3 million people (according to official data), therefore, the invention of Australian scientists can be called truly saving it is expected that its use will significantly reduce mortality from this dreaded disease.

Snail mucus relieves cough. Snails one of the most exquisite delicacies of French cuisine, but it turns out they can not only please the gourmet, but also people suffering from cough. Slime snail’s rich gelitsidinom a substance having bronhorelaksiruyuschee properties for many years it was successfully used to relieve itching and sore throat. Mucus so copes well with a cough that at one time it can help even tried to treat tuberculosis, but the effectiveness of this method has not been confirmed the mucus does not fight with the disease, sparing only the symptoms. The healing properties of snails humanity knows hundreds of years, so they are treated in different parts of our planet. For example, the indigenous people of the Americas did not trouble themselves too complicated cooking, consuming snails whole, Europeans have long been prepared from snails broths and soups and stir fry them in wine, and they are quite popular in Asia. In modern medicine, sea snails are used for the development of methods of anesthesia, and treatment of cancer.

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