Friday 31 October 2014

Some Alternatives To Gold

Rare coins.
Private and independent stock indices numismatic market can become a place of battle for untold wealth in modern currency. Rising prices for rare coins is 220 percent over the past two years and continues to grow.

Earn autographs - not a new idea, but it is working today. For signature Elvis today is quite possible to get a five-figure sum. And if you wait another five to ten years, the figure will only increase. Buying autographs do not only collectors, but also to major museums and foundations - to preserve the cultural values of the undeniable signature of a historical figure.

Investment experts called works of art meaningful version of gold. And not only that the works of art more interesting to watch than bullion filthy lucre. Rising prices of art objects is growing steadily, and adds each year. About undoubted commercial benefits of art speaks at least the fact that 76% of transactions in the market are made of fine art primarily for resale.

Inflatoplan - Inflatable Airplane Last Century

The emergence of the concept of inflatable rubber aircraft can be attributed to the first experiments with an inflatable rubber glider built by designer Taylor McDaniel in 1930. In 1956, the US Army has ordered the company Goodyear project inflatable life of the aircraft, which could be dropped from the air way parachute landing in a hard container volume of 1.25 cubic meter, and alerts on the ground for several minutes.

During the Korean War, the US Air Force faced a serious problem evacuation of their downed pilots. Then the idea was proposed to use for this inflatable airplanes. It was assumed that distress pilots dropped from the planes special container and the pilot on the ground already own puffed plane and get to the base of its course, he's a pilot. The contract for the development of the concept has been issued and received code Goodyear GA.468. Later he received a simple name inflato plan that literally "inflatable airplane."

The project was completed in twelve weeks. The entire airframe is naddutye to stiffness rubber shell. The only exceptions rotor, landing gear and control cables. The main body material was a three-layer composite of two layers of rubber and padded nylon net between them. Supercharging design was carried in the air from a compressor driven by the engine. In principle, nothing special, if not to wonder how it was possible to achieve such rigidity inflatable structures? How much pressure there, as it does not explode?

The trick is that the new constructive titled "Ermetov" is not just inflatable hull and superstructure volume! Between the walls of the chamber is stretched (in the form naddutom) nylon net, which distributes the load, so that even long inflatable beams are at trim bend rather than break at the point of application of external pressure. That's why naddutoe to modest quantities in 170kPa (1.7atm) multimeter wing shows no pretensions to folding, and stand with the engine not at izlamyvaet fuselage. Frankly, in particular tensile stress field still sealed and steel cables.
The first prototype GA-33 Inflatoplane (N39635) soared 13 February 1956. It was followed by the second prototype GA-447 with new wings. For military trials Goodyear Inflatoplane (corporate designation AO-2) is available in two versions that are Double GA-466 (XAO-2-GI) and single GA-468 (XAO-3-GI).

The prototype test conducted on Lake Wingfoot Lake, Akron, Ohio. During one of the flights was an accident, which was the immediate cause of the gap control cable, pilot killed Lieutenant Wallace. Program slowed down "to clarify" a few years promuryzhili in limbo, and then the Vietnam War ended. What does the war in Vietnam? Why, because it is supposed to get away from their downed pilots to "spare aircraft" that they would be overthrown search groups. And as the need for the return of these funds was over - and then program inflatable aircraft safely allowed under the knife in 1973 with the words "What sort of a military plane that can bring down an arrow from a bow"
Supercharging design was carried in the air from a compressor driven by the engine. Fill apparatus air can be in three ways: from the cylinders with compressed air from the compressor mounted on the engine, or a hand pump. The latter method is implied that such aircraft can be reset, for example, was surrounded soldiers: Manual GA-468 filled in 15-20 minutes. With the same plane cylinders could result in even faster readiness: for 6-7 minutes. In the event of depressurization of the airplane in flight at work, are mounted on the engine compressor, which is pumping shell of the aircraft. According to estimates Goodueag Aircraft, cost inflatable airplane in serial production was lower than the cost of a modern light aircraft of the same class that would save millions of dollars the Pentagon.

Single plane, GA-468, alerting (inflated to a pressure of 170 kPa) for about 5 minutes. The length of the plane was 5.97 m wingspan - 6.7 m. The power plant - two-stroke engine 40 hp Fuel capacity - 76 liters, which allowed to fly up to 630 km with a maximum speed of 116 km / h. Service ceiling - up to 3000 m. Takeoff takeoff aircraft was about 80 meters.

Double option, GA-466, had a larger 1.8 m wingspan, takeoff weight up to 340 kg, the speed is up to 110 km / h., Range - up to 443 km. McCulloch is equipped with engine 60 hp 4318.

Bank Robbery With Sap

Like old westerns, via tunneling, cleaned out the bank in a small town in India, local thieves.

digged in the 40 meter tunnel under the ground of an old abandoned building located opposite the city bank robbers carried 320 thousand dollars, not counting a few tens of kilograms of jewelry stored in locked cells in the walls of the vault.

Hard to believe that, somewhere on earth there is still a place where a city bank may be protected by the old fashioned way, probably more applicable to the so-century 16th have great granary lock and two guards were on duty in the street.

And the building itself in appearance resembles a large rustic barn with mud floors than a city bank. What is, in principle, and took advantage of the robbers, pick open adobe floor in the store.

And it seems to evidence left by the robbers.

Local authorities say that such a daring robbery could make only local vorŅ‘, which they hope will soon be caught. Visitors to the bandits it would have been beyond the power to remain undetected for so long in the city in preparation for the robbery, where each knows each other.

Depraved Orgy With 50 Prostitutes In The Palace Of Pope

October 30, 1501 was the apotheosis of the madness that was going on in those days in the Vatican. Cesare Borgia, Cardinal of the Catholic Church and the son of Pope Alexander VI, arranged a "soiree" at the residence of his father, or rather in the papal palace. What made this solemn event so special? That was the fact that is 50 prostitutes in this solemn event.

Do you think the Pope himself did not know anything? Then I want to disappoint you, the party was the Pope and his daughter Lucrezia. 50 call girls initially were quite modest, they were dressed and danced with the children and the "older" guests, but at some point the clothes suddenly disappeared somewhere. Cesare Borgia began to throw chestnuts and undressed girls kneel to collect them from the floorboards. But one way or another, they remain in these positions and thus offer to all guests that the use of such an unforeseen present. Is like as you may visualize, began an orgy. It is said that the Pope Alexander VI was involved in all of this.

Although the Catholic authorities deny that this orgy took place, the master of ceremonies of the Catholic Church, Johann Burchard, a written statement of the party. Scientists studying the history of the Catholic Church, argue that the enemies of the Pope Alexander VI deliberately exaggerated the incident to discredit him and his legacy. But those who are not biased studies history agree that the "party" could well be the case, because all agree that the reign of Alexander VI, connected with the prosperity of corruption and immorality in the Vatican.

Historians and researchers still now cannot come to a common denominator. The main problem lies in the fact that all of the information about Alexander VI, which is available today, was made ​​300 years after his death, so anything to say exactly very hard.

Nissan Released A Series Hybrid Car Gran Turismo 6

Virtual reality has once again received a physical embodiment. The Japanese automaker Nissan has released its first hybrid car - GT-R from the popular series of racing games Gran Turismo 6.

Hybrid technology in the automotive industry, there are more than one year. When the first cars used to drive the drive wheels more than one source of energy, were urban runabout, like Prius, but now these engines mounted on such respectable supercars like McLaren P1 and Porsche 918 Spyder Hybrid. Even Ferrari tried to make a hybrid, releasing LaFerrari. Now came the turn of Nissan.

The new car almost immediately after its release will take place at baptism race "24 Hours of Le Mans", where, as expected, will compete with the best hybrid cars.

Model NISSAN GT-R HYBRID R36 engine has twin-turbo V6 rated at 542 hp 3.8-liter. Accelerates while cars to 100 km / h in just 2.8 seconds. Under the hood, the new hybrid GT-R R36 - upgraded version of this engine, whose power is increased to 650 hp?

Extras on the car will be installed in the motor 134 hp, which will increase the power to 784 hp supercar and reduce fuel consumption and harmful emissions. Due to the fact that the torque is increased significantly, engineers from Nissan replaced the six-speed transmission with a new eight-speed. In terms of design, R36 GT-R will be much more radical than the previous model. The new hybrid supercar will be more aggressive, with sharp features, a huge diffuser and air intakes and unique instantly recognizable design of the front end. That’s for sure so doing not look any different car. The cost of the new supercar is 120 -150 000 US dollars.

Commercially Viable Alternatives To Gold

The pursuit of jewels can lead to serious illness greed, and it is known to live be not very nice. Gold fever is treated with great difficulty, so we offer you ten commercially viable alternatives to gold.
Postage stamps.
The bond market guru Bill Gross said that it would be better invested on rare stamps, because with them certainly nothing will turn out. Nevertheless, he continued to trade on the stock market, losing a total of about $ 100 million and earn even more. Over the past six years, the dynamics of the market is growing collectibles unprecedented speed. Special indexes GB30 show growth dynamics of prices for stamps in 74%. So do not rush to give the album with stamps nephew it is possible that in the closet gathering dust your wealth.
Chinese ceramics.
Here are a couple of thousand years; China is the leading supplier of ceramic art. Those who managed to buy a pair of Chinese vases of the Ming Dynasty; there is a great chance to earn a higher price on the Asian ceramics. Analysts predict an increase in the value of art comes from ancient China by 45% over the next five years. Just a couple of months ago porcelain cup with a cock Ming Dynasty was sold for $ 36 million at auction Christie's. So do not be lazy to go to the nearest antique store.
Rising prices of collectible wines superior growth dynamics value of gold and oil. On this occasion in the UK even a specialized fund focused on investments in wines from the Bordeaux Chateau producing a strictly limited number of drinks.
Things celebrities.
Old posters autographed by dead rock stars, things that belonged to celebrities, can cost a fortune and are able to enrich their owners. But even if you own such a bagatelle solely for the love of art, do not be afraid to lose in value - the value of such things is growing every year.
Vintage cars.
The index shows that over the past 10 years, the investment value of classic cars has increased by nearly 500 percent. Rare cars released over thirty years ago, with proper care and the state can bring their owners a lot of money, provided that they can be properly sold. For example, recently vintage Ferrari 250 GT was sold for 8.8 million dollars (given that it was bought in 2011, only 5 million).
Growing demand, limited supply and low maintenance costs - you have all the reasons to invest in luxury watches. For example, collectible model of Rolex or Patek Phillipe, not only did not lose in value over the years, but significantly increased, to make you the owner of non-small percent.
Diamonds Are Forever sung in the famous song, and price indices confirm this. Buying diamonds - employment more difficult than buying gold, but can bring much greater profit with the right approach. Diamond market - one of the most stable in the world and shake it can unless unprecedented discovery of deposits, which is unlikely to happen soon.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Charlie Sheen Investigated for Pulling Knife On Dentist

In the media reported that the well-known for his passion for banned substances, the Hollywood actor is under investigation. Sheen is accused of assaulting a nurse dental clinic.

As the portal TMZ, citing law enforcement sources, the actor visited a dental office in Los Angeles for treatment of abscess. When Charlie came to the employee and tried to put on his mask with nitrous oxide (aka "laughing gas", which is used in dentistry for pain), the patient literally went crazy and started waving his arms, causing hit medic.

After the staff, which was in office, retired, Sheen took a hunting knife and followed them into the hallway. Fortunately, bodyguards reassured actor and nobody was seriously injured.

In a conversation with the police agency nurse zavila that guard Charlie in person explained this behavior of his client intoxicated. He said that Sheen before going to the doctor took a large dose of cocaine.

Currently, the police interrogate star brawler and witnesses of the incident. They collected materials will be sent to the court, which will decide about the future of the Hollywood star.

Medieval Illustrated Manuscript - Match Between Man And Woman

In the middle Ages, in the epoch of noble knights and beautiful ladies, it was believed that a man should never raise a hand to a woman, except in one single case, when the dispute was in court. The fact that in medieval Europe, there are two kinds of ships: general legal court and the court through the fight. That is, for example, when the parties in their deliberations came to a standstill, and the truth seemed to be impossible, one of the parties (or counsel) caused opponents to a duel. And then the power and prowess with the sword decide the outcome of the case.

This judicial practice of conflict resolution in some European countries is preserved in one form or another until the 16th century. Interestingly, in the same way to resolve conflicts between men and women, in particular husbands and wives (in this case, use a wooden weapon). Thus, to even the odds and neutralize the advantage of men in the growth, strength and intelligence, the man ordered to lead the fight out of the pit. "Historical truth" leads illustration of a treatise on the art of fencing German knight Hans Talhoffer, published in 1459. In this book, the author specifically for women described the rules of the fights between men and women, and also considered various fencing techniques that allow beautiful ladies quickly win her partner.

British Model 18 Months Met With Lime Football Star

English model Josie Cunningham met with a man half years ago who pretended to be a captain, "Hull City" Curtis Davies.

Recently the 24-year-old Cunningham gave birth to a girl. It is believed that the child's father is sham footballer.

It is unknown who actually was the person with whom the model, writes Daily Mail.

I feel as if I blow our filthy hands. I totally disheartened and depressed. I totally manipulated by man, and he did it for 18 months. He said that playing in the Premier League! He fooled me. I had an intimate relationship with a man who introduced himself to those whom he has never been. Apparently, I'm not very smart.

This 29-year-old Curtis Davis began his career at "Luton Town". On Saturday, Davis played the role of the captain of the "Hull City" against the "Manchester City". Now Davis dating actress Laura Dern and does not plan to change lives. He said "sorry about what happened."

Relationship with Josie Cunningham fake soccer began in April last year. The guy introduced himself as Curtis Davies and even showed evidence of Cunningham in the pictures from the Internet. Girl differences in appearance not found. She began to meet with the young man, who, as he could think of was fairly fine off. At that she did not live with the player but she regularly met with him in hotels for the purpose of pleasure.

Manager Cunningham month later became suspicious and told her to check whether it meets with the famous footballer. But she did not heed sound advice and just angry.

In the end, Cunningham asked intimate friend to write to her from his account on Twitter. When she saw the message from "Curtis Davis," she checked the profile and found that your account is empty and has no subscribers. Dude model is explained by the fact that she has a bad reputation so that he could not write to it from the official page. Cunningham believed and continued to meet him. But in the end the deception was discovered yet.

Josie Cunningham - a model that has become known after had plastic surgery breast augmentation. Previously, she was a prostitute, but then broke with the past and has become a model. Now it is popular in England, she is often interviewed, asked to participate in various talk shows.

Artist Makes Jewelry From Breast Milk

When a child is born, parents traditionally seek to make an imprint of his palm or save a lock of hair. But American artist, mother of three, came up with a new way to preserve the memory of the appearance of the baby into the world it makes to order jewelry from breast milk.

[caption id="attachment_244" align="aligncenter" width="379"]jewellery-made-by-breast-milk Jewelry Made By Breast Milk[/caption]

Design and improvement of unusual breast milk preservation technology and transforming it into a resin Allicia Mogavero from Rhode Island took about seven years. Ceychas orders for pendants, rings and bracelets MommyMilk receives from all over the world.

Among zakazchitsa women from the Belgium, Australia, Italy, Germany, spain, china and Uk .Creation "Dairy designer" became so popular that during the pre-order is now 12 months.

To get the "milk" decoration takes about two tablespoons of milk, and you want to send to the artist in a sealed package. Having received such a package, Alicia plastifies milk, and then creates a wide variety of miniature forms. What did not you see on her ornaments: hearts, stars, moon, tiny palms and feet?

Then the figure of milk secured special decorative resin in a silver frame. At the request of the customer on the decoration can be done in the child's name or any other inscription.

In the manufacture of one-piece Alicia takes about five hours, and the average price of her works - $ 160. It is worth noting that the decoration of breast milk caused a very mixed reaction. Some claim that "the use of breast milk for decoration sounds disgusting." But the Designer Mogavero Alicia does not believe that so. She is sure that the jewelry that she makes, beautiful, and besides are propaganda so necessary newborns breastfeeding.


Wednesday 29 October 2014

Daqri Upgraded Construction Helmets

Los Angeles startup Daqri upgraded construction helmets, integrating it into a technology similar to Google Glass.
Smart Helmet from Daqri has 360-degree navigation cameras, inertial measurement system of industrial-grade, three-dimensional vision camera and a high resolution.
For decades, engineers and builders were able to turn your 2D drawings into 3D renderings using systems like AutoCAD, but Smart Helmet takes this process one step further. Helm allows users to visualize three-dimensional building model in 4D space and interact with them directly.
Smart Helmet offers the same protection as conventional construction helmets, but has a transparent visor covers the upper half of the face of the user. It uses the Android operating system and is able to work 8 hours on one battery charge. Besides the already mentioned functions and features, it can record HD-video, take pictures, and make three-dimensional maps. All of these technologies fit into the size and weight of a typical construction helmet.
Augmented reality in the construction and design is rapidly gaining popularity. The company recently introduced its Lowe Holoroom, in which the customer enters the parameters of planning, creates a virtual room, and can customize it by simple hand gestures.
In the same building, some companies already offer professional technology 4D, based on the use of the tablets. Work with them projecting three-dimensional renderings on the plane, while the other person marks the space for action. Smart Helmet also allows you to perform such operations on their own and without the use of special procedure. Application for the latest helmet will be created separately, so that each sphere of the industry will be able to design their own programs tailored to their needs. For this Daqri supplies with helmet 4D Studio Software is a tool that helps users build applications.
The most superior sample of the latest helmet will be available by the end of October this year, and in December, is scheduled to launch several pilot programs for the field of industrial tests.

Some Facts About Underwear

In the world, there are two types of people. Some people do not attach much importance underwear; others give him too much attention. Here are some facts about underwear, and, I think, no matter what type of people you belong, they will be of interest to you.

Underwear not crashed in the ass. Anyone can remember the thrill of crashing into the buttocks underwear. Most often it is just a prank or really uncomfortable underwear, but there were cases of serious groin injury, but rather the testes. A December 21, 2013, 58-year-old Denver St. Clair was killed when; during a drunken quarrel his stepson pulled his underwear on his face, thus choking him. And in 2007, eight years old boy twins Jared and Justin Serovich bullied over each other at home in Ohio, pulling each other briefs, and at that moment one of them joked that stands invent underwear, do not crash into the ass. This prompted the boys to create”Rip Away 1000" underwear with Velcro which razleplyayutsya if someone pulls the pants. After winning the competition inventions, the boys became a favorite media and appeared in television news.

Edible underwear. In 1975, residents of Chicago Lee Brady and David Sanderson invented "Candy Pants" the first edible underwear. They faced difficulties in obtaining a patent for their invention, but eventually they became its owner. Today edible underwear has become one of the options tasteless and silly gift, but the mid-1970s in the United States was a very different time. "Candy Pants" brought its creators approximately $ 150,000 per month and buy them regularly enough. Original considered edible underwear garment, as did his friend of round candies. Today, companies are trying their best to come up with something new because most lingerie is already tired.

Mormon underwear. Mormon Christian sect in recent years has attracted a lot of attention. Especially attracts many feature their faith, which is that the man-Mormon must have several wives. While this seems like a good introduction to a pornographic film, Mormons have strict laws about abstinence outside of marriage (including a ban on masturbation). Chastity as a fetish of this group even extended to their choice of underwear. Underwear for men and women has become a symbol of loyalty to the church and faith commitment. Mormon underwear set consists of a white t-shirt and plain white shorts. On them you will find small religious symbols and purchase them you can only in specialty stores and on the websites of the church. These "objects of church clothes" were awarded much attention in 2012 during the US presidential election. Mormon Mitt Romney sharply opposed the incumbent President Barack Obama, and in return he received a lot of jokes in regard to his Mormon underwear.

Kids Thong Abercrombie. US giant Abercrombie & Fitch in recent years have been embroiled in plenty of scandals, including the release in 2002 of shirts with Asian caricatures and offensive shirts. But the company a couple of months shocked the public even more, when the baby unit to create a line of strings for girls. On thongs were the following inscriptions: "eye candy" and "Smack Smack". The company received numerous complaints and calls for a boycott, but the company diligently defended bright panties. They argued that the "underwear for young girls was created lighthearted and sweet. And each has a legitimate right to think the best of their immorality." While striking publicity campaigns and underwear Abercrombie liked adolescents, their parents did not share the enthusiasm of their children. Correspondingly the children did not get the money to buy this lingerie. The company's revenues fell sharply, and its future was in doubt.

Men's underwear, as an indicator of the state of the economy. When the going gets tough times, people are tightening the belt tighter and avoid frivolous purchases. At such times, we do not splurge on new devices and entertainment, but certain commodities purchased, regardless of financial circumstances. One of these things is men's underwear. Men's underwear market has no big drop, even when the window is raging crisis. And according to the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan, if sales did fall, it indicates that the economy is in a very desperate situation. In 2009, the world was shaken by the financial crisis, but sales of men's underwear were down just 2.3 percent. Since then, the economy has improved significantly. In 2011 the market of men's underwear made a huge jump of 6.4 percent from $ 3.08 billion to $ 3.28 billion.

Prison. During his stay in prison inmates often get jobs that allow them to work, develop new skills and earn a little money. Speaking of American prisons, we present a heavily tattooed men, blacks or Latinos with a number on the chest, and in principle it is, but they keep the dirty secret lingerie famous brand. In 1990 the company hired Third Generation of South Carolina inmates to sew lingerie for Victoria's Secret. Girls, do you have this brand of underwear? Or do you even now in it? As you awareness that could make them tattooed prisoner? But they themselves American prisoners with underwear is often a problem. Some US prisons are deficient in underwear. The problem lies in the fact that the laundry cannot be washed independently and hands can be only one set. So we have concluded that the prison ask relatives to bring shorts.

Brazilian Footballer Pele Once Pause The War In Nigeria

It turns out that the sport has a huge political force that can be directed at inciting or war, or the creation of the world.

Reputation Football Association cannot call it a great power, bearing peace. For example, a qualifying round of the World Cup 1970, played a key role in the beginning of the so-called "football war" between El Salvador and Honduras.

But football has undeniable ability to bring people together. In fact, a football match was stopped one of the most brutal conflicts of XXth century the civil war in Nigeria. The tragic civil war between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the unrecognized republic of Biafra led to international condemnation and actually played a key role in the development of a modern system of humanitarian aid. in spite of this, the worldwide group of people failed to persuade the parties to agree to an armistice. However, the international community is not Pele.

In 1969, the football star was supposed to visit Nigeria with a series of friendly matches with his Brazilian team Santos. About Match agreed very advance, so the Brazilians, for financial reasons they decided not to cancel. While Santos was so good that no longer participates in the championships in South America and started traveling the world, getting a huge amount for the defeat of the local teams. And the World Cup winner Pele, of course, was the best player in the world. Therefore, it is clear that no one wanted to miss this spectacle because of such things as ethnic war. Both parties quickly agreed to a 48 hour truce, and both sides reported the presence of a match, with some people brought with them to the stadium chairs to organize the extra space. But 48 hours later, they returned to killing each other.

Fortunately, there is less depressing version of the soccer world. In 2005, the Ivorian star Didier Drogba took advantage of the wave of euphoria caused by the success of the national team in the qualifying round of the World Cup of 2006, to make a passionate appeal for an end to the brutal civil war, to destroy his country. The ceasefire was announced during the week.

The Longest Staircase In The World

Despite the long distance, height and slope of the hill on which the ladder, it attracts many people.

The longest flight of stairs on the ground is located on Mount Niesen in Switzerland, nicknamed "the Swiss Pyramid" for its triangular shape. Ladder length of 3.4 km and 11 674 steps up the mountain slope, starting from a height of 700 meters at the bottom (from the river Kander in the village Muhlen) to 2363 meters at the top of the mountain. The average slopes of the mountain ranges between the colossal 55% and 65%.

For safety reasons, usually stairs closed to the public. But once a year, in June, she opened for the longest single race up the stairs - Niesen Treppenlauf, otherwise known as the Niesenlauf. In the course of the race up to 500 participants have to climb up this horrible stairs at the highest possible speed. Record for the men - one hour and two minutes for women - one hour and nine minutes that really impressive, considering that climb to the top is equivalent to seven Climbing the Empire State Building.

Difficult race is clearly not intended for the faint of heart, but its popularity is amazing. If you are wishing to participate you have to register almost a year before the race to secure a place in the competition. And sometimes it does not guarantee participation last year's race, for example, has been canceled due to heavy snow.

Fortunately, you do not need to puff in the race to take on an exciting path. Instead, you can take the train going parallel to the stairs on the steep slopes of the mountain. During the 28-minute trip, opened in 2010, the year, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the lush alpine forests, meadows and rare herd of cows on a background of snow-covered Alps. The train also passes through several tunnels and high-altitude sites. In addition, there is an outdoor pedestrian tourist route with multiple slides along the way to compensate for the slope of the Swiss pyramid.

The First Recorded Case Depending On The Smart Glasses

American psychologists have a unique chance to see a person suffering from dependence on glasses Google.

Psychologists first tried to help a person get rid of Internet addiction caused by the abuse of Google Glass. Without this gadget patient showed all the signs of withdrawal symptoms, and even in his sleep he dreamed that he wears glasses. It was an unprecedented case of so-called problem of using Google Glass.

The patient, 31-year-old mechanic from the US Navy to use the unit for 18 hours a day, he shot glasses only when sleeping or taking a shower. In otstutstvii gadget he complained of an easy temper, and then began to suffer from involuntary movements of limbs, then started to have problems with memory. In addition, within two months, the patient had dreams, and they looked as if he was looking through their Google Glass.

Perhaps revealing here is that this person already has in his history of depression, anxiety and increased propensity for obsessive-compulsive disorder. And consequently, may have a tendency to drug dependence, and as a drug in this time were notorious glasses. Anyway, psychologist’s patient explained that very much worries without my glasses, and that this condition is much worse than the heaviest hangover that he had ever experienced.

And yet all the time the patient was doing involuntary movements of the hand toward the temple, as if trying to press a button on the glasses. He was appointed as a course of treatment lasting for 35 days, resulting in a marked reduction in irritability, the number of involuntary hand movements also decreased. Short-term memory and clear thinking of the patient improved significantly, but he still sees strange dreams that look at the world through your device.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Laboratory Orfilda Quietest Place in the World

Silence, usually cause us a sense of calm, but the quietest place on earth drives people crazy.

Or field Labs, acoustic booth in Minnesota, United States, officially registered in the record books as the quietest place on Earth. This is, in fact, anechoic chamber, where you stand on the floor of the grid, and the walls around you are faced with large sound-absorbing wedges of fiberglass.

Want to try? Then I want to warn, though here and quiet here insanely scary. After going through two thick doors, the last sound you hear is the sound of slamming doors. In fact, you will find yourself in a dark room; the light is not included because even lamps can make a room for a couple of decibels louder, though you will not feel it. The door closed, and a second later the noise level drops to -9 dB (familiar to us, "silence" yelling about -30 dB). External noises are completely absent and the brain starts to go crazy. You start to hear the heart beating as gurgles cucumber with milk in your tummy.

Steve Orfield Labs owns Orfild. He loves all those who said that stand the test of peace and happily runs them in the camera. Most cannot stand and 20 minutes and go from there completely disoriented and with crazy eyes. The owner cannot beat your record stay in the room, is 30 minutes.

In addition, to scare people, anechoic chamber serves as a testbed for various manufacturers of acoustic products that use the quietest room in the world to make measurements of interference in their products.

Interesting Things Can Be Found In New York's Trashcan

The story began with how fellow blogger samsebeskazal, who lives on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, on the way to the store for some reason decided to look in the trash, standing in one of the most expensive mansions. Mixed in with the debris where he found a lot of books.

Among the books he has found a special edition of "Essays" by Michel de Montaigne in 1947 with illustrations by Salvador Dali in very good condition.

Moreover, the book was published edition of only 1,000 copies, each signed by the artist.

For more than two hours, he and bloggers samsebeskazal was able to find many more interesting things. Rare books cannot be found anywhere else. For example, Alice in Wonderland (published in 1947), a book with pictures and stories of John Lennon and the book of Joseph Stalin (1939).

Completely new lingerie, which survived even the tag. Years, apparently, forties and sixties of last century.

From left to right, top to bottom: new folder with carbon paper, old photos, a report for the UN intelligence, cheap Western Air Lines, notification form from the hotel in France with advertising TWA, envelope with telegrams (most sent from Cyprus), radiogram RCA.

False declarations, bank statements and checks, insurance and letters. Lots of unopened envelopes, dated 1951 year.

How it all fell into the container? Apparently, these were things of the deceased owner of the mansion. A new home buyers (or heirs) did not understand: hired workers from the company for garbage collection, which was also considered the found absolutely nowhere.

Few Hours Before The Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki

On 6th & 9th of August, 1945 the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And to this day it remains the only case when in the history of mankind were to use nuclear weapons for military purposes. Explosions in the two Japanese cities caused widespread destruction, from which, according to various estimates, killing 150 to 246 thousand people. Until recently, there were almost no published photographs showing the preparation for bombardment. National Archives (National Archives) first published declassified photographs documenting the work of soldiers and technicians shortly before dumping of nuclear bombs.

[caption id="attachment_213" align="aligncenter" width="388"]hiroshima-bombing Hiroshima Bombing[/caption]

  • Historians know the events that led the United States to take a decision on the dumping of bombs on the Japanese cities known as the «Little Boy» and «Fat Man» (Little Boy and Fat Man). Both were loaded onto planes at an air base on the island of Tinian, located to the south area of Japan. In this picture soldiers are checking the bombs "Fat Man" based on the island of Tinian.

  • The future Nobel laureate - Norman Ramsey, watches as a geophysicist Francis Breach signs bomb "Little Boy." (Photo: National Archives).

  • A technician applies putty and silicone on the slit bomb "Fat Man". This was done in order to have a bomb was maximum firepower at the moment of detonation.

  • Soldiers and equipment written their names on the bomb "Fat Man".

  • Signatures of soldiers and technicians on the bomb.

  • Preparing a bomb "Fat Man" was placed on the platform for the transport. (Photo: National Archives).

  • Bombs accompanied driven to the base of North Field.

  • "Fat Man" was placed on a special pit, from which the bomb was directly loaded onto the aircraft.

  • Bomb on the first platform was lowered into the pit with a hydraulic lift.

  • Technicians last checked bomb "Little Boy" before loading.

  • Bomber Boeing B-29 Superfortress arrives directly to the pit for loading bomb "Little Boy" on board.

  • "Little Boy" was about before loading.

  • Hydraulic lift gently raises the "kids" on board the bomber.

Leech Went In The Nose Of Girl

Story happens to the great way done with south-east Asia to the UK semisantimetrovaya leech into the nostrils of tourists.

All is good, leech and go on to parasitize nose tourists, drinking plenty of blood, but prevented de facto: leech from copious bleeding increased and did not fit into the nostril bearer. What's not to like and to the girl. When some nasty sticking comes out of her nose, start pulling her lower lip while moving.

The girl came in horror and she tried to get rid of parasites themselves, but, feeling great pain, abandoned self, and then the lady went to the hospital. After the doctor examined the 24-year old patient, doctors began the procedure of extraction of the animal, caught leeches.

The operation, which lasted half an hour, probably will be remembered for a lifetime lover of Asian tours. With clip and tweezers doctor with great difficulty managed to pull constantly shrinking and tries to hide the body of the patient deeply huge leech-sized index finger, and the thickness can be compared with the great human finger. Presumably, the leech has lived in the nose girl about one month.

Crap Installed On The Roof Covered With Shingles

Long puzzled, thinking that it is that kind of crap invented by the inventors.

Some incomprehensible crap installed on the roof covered with shingles, it is unclear pursuing a certain goal.

Thus against grassy roofs of these gizmos are also some places stick tufts of grass uncertain. What makes me think that this is not the flower pots, hurt the grass of korytets corresponds dried grass on the roof? Sense then no fuss additionally in some pots when the grass on the roof and can be so easy to grow without any care from the side.

Yes and garden on a sloping roof is as it is not logical, although practical. But inventors knowingly probably get their money, it appears!!! These things come up specifically to protect historic buildings from weed to weed not germinate in the tile roof, destroying its root system to the old buildings, and grew up in strictly designated place for him. And these traps weeds can serve as an additional shelter for homeless cats, which in China by the thousand.

5 Unusual Electrical Boards For Active Sports

Classified sports equipments in recent years are experiencing a new birth. After all, if earlier surfing or, for example, snowboarding, people engaged only in the right weather and natural conditions, but now, thanks to the introduction of modern technologies, external factors do not play a decisive role. Today we tell about 5 unusual electrical boards for active sports.


Wakeboard, which itself carries forward. Bord Radinn created for fans of the increasingly popular worldwide wakeboarding is a sport where a person slips on the surface of the water on a board, keep a hand on the bar, attached to a special cable or rushing forward motorboat.

Blackboard Radinn offers fans of the sport to be completely autonomous in their races and swim in any body of water under all weather conditions, even where there is no question about the existence of Wake Park.

After Radinn has built-in electric motor, which carries it and the person goes ahead. This board gives athletes an incredible opportunity for mobility. On it, he can swim in any place where he wants, even in the fountain, if there are no more large-scale reservoirs.

PowerSki Jetboard.

Surfboard without waves. Has similar functionality and board with the name PowerSki Jetboard. However, its creators are based on experiences not wakeboarding and surfing. This sports equipment allows you to engage in this type of sport, even where in principle there can be no big waves.

Built in PowerSki Jetboard electric motor allows this board to glide through the water at speeds up to 60 kilometers per hour, making it possible to perform many tricks, including podrygivat in the air and there perform aerobatic sport aerobatics.

And for such races were more stable, PowerSki Jetboard has a special attachment for which the athlete can grab to give the board the necessary mobility without fear with her fly off due to centrifugal force.

Boosted Boards.

Skateboard for the lazy. Boosted Boards, is the skateboard for the laziest athletes. After all, why make a start from the feet of asphalt, giving him and the board speed and acceleration, if you can trust the process electronics?

The fact that the board has Boosted Boards electric motor, which, despite its modest size, allows Bordeaux accelerate to a speed of 30 kilometers per hour, driving on a single battery charge up to 10 km. However, at the end of energy, an athlete can move the old-fashioned on this board, starting from the feet of the road.

However Boosted Boards conceived not only as sports equipment, but also as a democratic urban vehicle. After all, this board is, for the moment, the cheapest in the world of electric vehicles. It can be used for travel to the place of study or work. Especially since the battery charging at Boosted Boards is only two hours. Boosted Boards will also be indispensable to people whose work is connected with the constant movement of the streets of the city, such as couriers, postmen or Pizza Man.

Pau Hana Big EZ Angler.

Electric board for fishing. Blackboard Pau Hana Big EZ Angler created not so much for the sport, but for a quiet, measured rest in the open air - fishing. Its name and form she received from Aboriginal traditional fishing boats of Hawaii. But modern engineers supplemented by an electric motor and lithium-ion battery.

The result was a board that can deliver a fisherman on the right place, where it will be small, but comfortable raft for fishing. Complete with Pau Hana Big EZ Angler, of course, is the paddle, but it is necessary, mainly for balance in a time when the board carries you toward dawn.

On the blackboard Pau Hana Big EZ Angler also has special slots for mounting rods and other fishing gear, as well as a container for fish caught, serving simultaneously seat for the fisherman.


Electric board for Baywatch. Board ASAP takes us to the once popular TV series "Baywatch", in which a beautiful and tanned boys and girls solve their personal problems, not forgetting in the case of danger to tourists on the water people miss special yellow board and thrown into the ocean to help.

ASAP - a tool for such water rescuers, which makes their job much easier and safer. This board electrically powered, allowing confidently swim and rescue people in distress, even in the most violent storm.

Board ASAP was developed by designer named Ross Camp and has already been adopted in the spring of 2014 on the "armed" rescue services in California. By the way, is preparing a new version of the board, which will be powered by built in the surface of solar panels.

6 Myths About Alcohol, In Which Everyone Believes

Despite the fact that alcohol is an inherent part of holidays, celebrations, meetings, friends, gatherings, hanging and other things most people know almost nothing about him.

Around the drinking happens quite a few myths? This article will be debunked most ridiculous of them.

Myth 1. Alcoholic is a person who drinks too much

We used to think that a person, who uses too much alcohol, certainly is an alcoholic. It all starts with a small glass. Gradually, the dose of alcohol consumed increases, and, ultimately, a transition to the stage of abuse.

Reality:   How do you think, can it be considered an alcoholic student who pretty drunk in the evenings several times a week? Even if his behavior does not change after graduation, he is unlikely to turn into a hopeless drunkard, vlachaschih his miserable existence. As though it may sound paradoxical, but in fact most people who drink too much, are not alkogolezavisimymi. This is one of the many reasons why those who really have a problem with alcohol abuse, sometimes so hard to get help.

So, if a person who drinks a lot, is not an alcoholic, who then falls into this category? People, who are looking using the glasses to solve their problems, cope with stress, overcome depression and so on. The emergence of alcohol dependence is most often due to causes physiological and psychological in nature, and not the amount of consumed alcohol. People who are trying to recover from alcoholism, quickly realize that "do not drink" is only part of the struggle, because what made ​​them dependent, not gone anywhere. When a person who is drunk a lot, but it could easily do without booze following week, said "I am not an addicted alcoholic, I just use to drink occasionally,” And the same words we heard from someone who really depends on the alcohol, are lies, with it, first of all, lying to myself.

Myth 2. A glass of liquor in the morning helps relieve the symptoms of a hangover

In the evening if you have not calculated their capabilities and drank too much alcohol, the next morning you will inevitably awaits hangover, the main symptoms are dry mouth, nausea, heaviness in the head and body. To get rid of it, people have resorted to a method, centuries passed from generation to generation: they drop a glass of alcohol that is treated like with like, taking hangover for alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Reality:   The fact that hangover and alcohol withdrawal syndrome are two completely different things.

Most people have never in my life experienced alcohol withdrawal syndrome, as this condition is inherent only in chronic alcoholics. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome observed in humans with full or partial discontinuation of spirits after their long and regular use, while hangover is the body's response to toxic substances produced by the decay of alcohol.

It is known that alcohol suppresses the pituitary vasopressin that leads to a general dehydration is hence, headaches, fatigue, confusion, and nausea. Cleavage of alcohol in the liver accompanied by the formation of a toxic compound called acetaldehyde, which acts intoxicating person.

A glass of alcohol in the morning after a rough night of fun will bring only short-term relief, then you will only get worse as you continue to "feed" your body of toxins that there already enough.

Myth 3. Those or other type of wine can be combined only with certain products

Everyone knows that the choice of wine, anyway, depends on what you're going to have. Owners of fine restaurants often employ a sommelier is a person who helps visitors chooses the wine so that it blends perfectly with the dishes ordered.

Reality:   In fact, all this nonsense and stupidity. Wine experts are only interested to sell you a bottle of expensive.

The only thing you need to rely when choosing wine and snacks it's your personal taste preferences. If you cannot stand the combination of white wine and fruit, replace the last on his favorite dish - roast chicken, for example. Remember: everyone has his own taste - who likes melon and who - watermelon.

Wine experts annually spend dozens of research in order to confirm or refute these or other theories about the compatibility of wine with certain foods. Recently, they found that what will give wine depends not on your chosen dishes; the whole point lies in the interaction of primary tastes. So sweet snacks give the wine bitter and sour, when combined with the salty taste of the products it becomes richer and softer. The important thing is not so much the dish (fish, meat and so on), but the method and the subtleties of cooking (salt, spices, etc.).

Myth 4. The beer should be drunk before eating spirits, and not after the

First drink alcoholic beverages and then strong the most common recommendations that follow everything heavy drinkers who do not want to deal with a morning hangover. In other words - "cannot lower the degree."

Reality:   Actually, what matters are not so much a fortress, and the sequence of reception of alcoholic drinks as the number in which you eat them? If you have an evening drink four beers and three glasses of vodka in the morning you will in any case it will be bad, no matter in what order they were in your stomach.

This myth likely came from the fact that in the beginning everything as usually drink less spirits, and then - that will have.

Myth 5. Operate the gag reflex sober and help you avoid a hangover

Most people believe that if in the midst of the fun you have touched alcohol and you vomit up the alcohol had time to get to blood, and then it will help you get a sobering and avoid a hangover the next morning.

Reality:   Actually vomiting cannot rid your body of alcohol before it gets into the bloodstream, as most of it is already there! Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine. This process happens so quickly that the only way to prevent it - is to cause a gag reflex immediately after drinking.

When you have touched, the cause of your poor health and sickness is not alcohol, and an overabundance of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. However, before its contents will break out, alcohol will have time to get into the bloodstream - and sobering, alas, did not come.

Myth 6. Abuse of alcohol by minors is reaching epidemic proportions; at least so say the majority of parents whose children are in their teens.

Reality:   In fact, the level of consumption of alcohol by minors falls when compared with previous years. Between 1983 and 1997, the number of teens abusing alcohol decreased. But given the fact that most statistical studies ordered by interested organizations in determining the outcome, they often have to manipulate the original data to prove their position, which may run counter to the dry statistics.

Tutankhamun Was Disabled

Buried in the mask of polished gold Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun was always considered the personification of majestic beauty, but, as it turned out, it was not the case. When the life of Pharaoh had buck teeth and girlish hips, and also suffered from clubfoot. This is the conclusion reached by scientists after the most detailed study of the remains of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh.

According to scientists, the young monarch was not involved in the chariot races, and while walking leaned on his cane. Virtual autopsy, consisting of more than 2,000 computer scanning was carried out in conjunction with genetic analysis of the family of Tutankhamun, who confirmed the theory that his parents were brother and sister. Scientists believe that the cause of physical disability of the future pharaoh became a hormonal imbalance. The history of his family, may also contribute to his untimely death in late adolescence. Previously nominated theory suggests that Tutankhamun was murdered or died after falling from his chariot. In favor of these hypotheses said multiple fractures, which were found on his skull and other parts of the skeleton.

Now, scientists believe that the pharaoh may have died from a hereditary disease, because only one of the fractures occurred before his death, and made it impossible clubfoot chariot races for the heir to the throne of Egypt. The revelations were made as part of the documentary "Tutankhamun naked truth” that will be broadcasted on the British television coming Sunday.

Albert Zink, from the Institute of mummies and the Iceman in Italy, find out the truth about the relationship of the parents of the ruler, studying the DNA of the royal family. He found that Tutankhamun was born from the union of the pharaoh Akhenaten with his own sister. Incest is not condemned by the ancient Egyptians, and they were not aware of its implications for the health of the offspring. Huth Ashrafyan, teacher of surgery at Imperial College (London), said that quite a lot of member of the family unit of Pharaoh, apparently suffering from a disease which can be explained by hormonal disparity. "A lot of his family’s members have alive to a matured old age. Only his line dies early, and with each generation shortened life “he said In favor of the premise of the bodily confines of Tutankhamun say 130 former in the use of walking sticks found in his tomb, says Mail Online.

Monday 27 October 2014

Soon Injections Are Almost Painless

Plugging steel needle into his own flesh will never be fun and exciting ways - but at least you can make it much less painful. The trick here is to trick the cell pain with a small device which uses pressure and vibration. Here's how it works.

Last week at the American Society of Anesthesiologists demonstrated a new device that allows you to deceive our own nerve cells. 21 volunteers participated in the experiment in which they are pricked in the shoulder plastic ersatz needle while this same area was applied a different quantity of heat, cold, pressure, and vibration. The researchers found that the greatest effect is achieved by the application of a specific volume of pressure and vibration for 20 seconds before injection. The temperature of this process, presumably, does not play any role.

But how this action is deceiving our brains? Gate theory of pain states that pain signals from the skin puncture must pass through a "neural gate" in the spinal cord on the way to the head brain. These gates can block other physical sensations such as pressure and vibration. This same principle explains why, when pressure is applied to the cut, the pain of it decreases.

Dentists can already use some varieties of vibrating needles, but a new study shows that the application of vibration and pressure to the injection site more efficiently.

Most Deadly Poisons In The World

The venom of any chemical, origin, natural or, food, has always been a subject of interest from the media, the Chemical Safety and popular writers. Mankind is hundreds of deadly toxins, many of which were practically applied as a means of murder, genocide, and terrorism. Some of them are presented in this review.

Well known cyanide is a deadly poison which acts on the central nervous system and heart. Even a small dose, getting into the blood, the binding molecules of iron and blocks the flow of oxygen to the vital organs, resulting in a few minutes death occurs. There are different forms of cyanide such as hydrogen cyanide, which is the most toxic. This gas can kill a person in about 10 minutes. Gas was used during World War I as a chemical weapon, and was banned by the Geneva Convention. Today, cyanide is used as a means of murder, suicide and plot of the book.

This protagonist event of September 2011, when the message for the people in envelopes received anthrax appeared in the news almost every day. As a result, five people died and 17 suffered from the effects of poison, which caused panic among citizens of the United States. This fear is understandable, since the anthrax spores are easily transmitted through the air. After infection of the respiratory numbness comes and the person starts to choke. 9 out of 10 people die in a week after infection.

Sarin is considered as a means of mass murder, which causes death by suffocation after 60 seconds. Minute of terrible suffering and deaths. Since 1993, this substance cannot be made, but, despite this, in 1995, Japan was committed massive terrorist attack on the subway, as well as in Iraq and Syria, resulting in deaths from 330 - 1800 people.

Substances found in the most deadly mushrooms in the world. When he enters the bloodstream, it affects the cells of the kidneys and liver, resulting in authorities deny a few days. Amatoksin also affects the heart. If you do not enter a large dose of penicillin, then a person can fall into a coma or die from heart and liver failure.
Strychnine was used as a pesticide to kill pests, but it is also able to kill a person. He was found in Asia, he was kept in special types of wood, but it can also be obtained in the laboratory (the one who managed to do it, received the Nobel Prize). Ingested strychnine may different ways: injection, inhalation, and absorption. Once in the body begins to muscle spasms and convulsions leading to asphyxia. After the injection man dies after half an hour.

Even in school all warned gently dispense with a thermometer. And it's not just so, and because of the heavy metal mercury by name. This extremely toxic metal which penetrates into the body or by inhalation or by skin contact. If skin mercury causes itching, burns, and skin may even peel off. Mercury can cause memory loss, vision, kidney failure and destruction of brain cells. As a result, death occurs.
Tetrodotoxin. Notorious poison that is found in fish fugu, popular among connoisseurs of sushi that are willing to pay a decent price in the hope that the fish is cooked properly. The first symptom appears after only 30 minutes after eating the poisonous fish. First, the person feels as paralyzed mouth, it becomes difficult to swallow. Soon marked in-coordination and speech. Begin seizures, convulsions, as a result a person can fall into a coma and die. Death occurs after about 6 hours, but there are cases of death after 17 minutes. This poison is considered one of the most deadly on the ground.

Is another poison that has become popular as anthrax, in link with distribution it by e-mail? The performer, who just starred in the film "Walking Dead", it was condemned for the crime. Ricin was found in the seeds of the castor bean. Ricin is incredibly deadly poison; it binds a protein in the body that leads to death. He is regarded as a chemical weapons by the US military and members of Al Qaeda.

The most dangerous nerve gas on the planet in the past pesticide was a perfect target for the military around the world, despite the ban on the use of weapons of mass destruction. Other applications have no gas, except in time of war. Gas is so poisonous that one drop of it get on your pelt, kills the person. When inhaled, the first symptoms of poisoning are similar to the beginning of the flu, and then there is a paralysis of the respiratory system, and cause to death.

Botulinum toxin.

This is the most deadly poison in the world. Cup toxin could kill hundreds of thousands of people, causing illness botulism, a disease that affects the central nervous system. Surprisingly, this poison has important practical applications - from injections of Botox treatments to treat migraine headaches. It is known that some patients after treatments using botulinum toxin died. Of the victims of this poison poisoning 50% die without medical care, and those who survive suffer serious complications for many years. Because of the instability of the state and are readily available in nature, botulinum toxin is the most deadly poison in the world.

Rural Disco In Africa

Every autumn, the American photographer David Pais sent to Burkina Faso in West Africa, in the most remote villages of the city without electricity and running water to remove the life of the local youth of the village. Bereba - one of those villages, where almost every Friday night dances are held at the local bar «Le Cotonnier». Once a week, the people from the surrounding villages come here to hang out, drink warm beer and forget yesterday, surrendering dancing.
"Noisy generator feeds the outdated audio system, a local DJ puts wheels with African music says Pais. Dancing like little children and aged people. On the concrete floor they move subtly and intricately, skillfully blending motion of James Brown and Michael Jackson with hip-hop and tribal dances. I like the energy, the heat, the dynamics. I like the images that flash in the light fall on the memory card of my camera because otherwise no one could see it.

Little Things That Could Change Life In The Us

We understand that govern the state, especially such as the United States, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Forgive us too, if we naively offer you sometimes obvious solutions to contemporary problems. For example.

  1. The cameras on the police.

Recently, the American police hit a lot of criticism from the same American society, and in particular on the part of detainees, and sometimes from relatives, which increasingly come and officers say their 14-year-old son, nigga resisted arrest and accident received 16 bullets. Americans everywhere are accused law enforcement of abuse of office.

Imagine a situation where a cop breaks into the house of potential criminal breaks the door and makes a shot in the leg or shoulder. Cowboy, his mother. Later, at the trial it appears that the defendant is innocent, or even a cop wrong door, and besides, he was ready to follow the man in form without any resistance. And the problem could solve simple camera mounted on a police officer.

As a result of such proceedings American society loses confidence in the police, and the police in response to all zhetche deal with detainees this vicious circle of justice in the American way.

The obvious solution:

Some police stations in different states require all employees to fasten small webcam. Of course, 30 years ago it would have been impossible, because carrying all the equipment needed would be the second officer or operator. But now in the palm of one can fit a dozen cameras.

You can catch her by the collar, instead of the buttons on the cap or on the arms. For example, the city police department in Rialto California stun equips all cameras that are activated when removing the unit from the fuse. As a result, the complaints of the population decreased by 88%, but increased complaints officers.

It was played by two factors the fear of being caught in the act and, actually, the footage could resolve any dispute. Both these factors affect both sides of the conflict situation.

  1. The sign of "fusion" on the roads.

Standard picture 7 am, American late for work and rushing to his car to borrow under its belt at all stages and then his streak ends, and such as he hammered the whole road. Nobody wants to miss one forward.

That's because there is one lane cork, which is waiting for a miracle. No beep, no swearing does not help to speed up the movement. No one in America does not know how to cope with this problem ...

The obvious solution:

Sign of the "fusion" could solve the problem of traffic jams. In Germany and throughout the world, are already practicing this innovation, and those who refuse to obey the traffic rules, ruthlessly fines. According to the rules, when the two bands into one cars should be built in a staggered manner. This approach reduces traffic congestion by 40%.

But what works in Germany, does not mean it will work everywhere. But in Pennsylvania has adopted the experience of German cops. In addition to reducing traffic congestion, logisticians have recorded decrease aggressive driving.

  1. The four-day workweek.

5 days a week, 40 hours when a teenager hears, finishing college, he has a mild fever, starts shaking knees and sweaty palms. It feels every American, but he was nowhere to go, he had to repay the loan, which he took to higher education.

Precisely because of this, always in the same time forms a plug at one and the same stretch of road. Why 5 days? Is that the way it is written in the Bible, in which so believe every American?

The obvious solution:

Utah cut the working week for exactly one day, but adds 2 working hours in each day. And workers reported an increase in morale and leadership the company states on the growth of productivity.

Unload the track, and thus reduce the emissions of carbon into the atmosphere. But the state government in 2011, the year returned to their seats because it was difficult to work with the rest of the country, not because it did not work.

The public did not complain to the shorter working week. This meant that once government offices are closed on Fridays, so they take longer to work in the rest of the week. And this in turn means that you can manage to arrange inspection after work, say, on Wednesday.

People prefer a longer working day, if he frees them another day off. The government cannot force businesses to switch to four-day working week, but most likely it will not be necessary, because all the statistics and the rich only trumpeting about the benefits of small everyday life for average American slaves.

  1. The ban on pharmaceutical advertising.

Modern American cannot distinguish a kidney from the liver. Therefore, experts spend the best years of his life, to get education and then continually follow the adage "age live - and learn." In addition to the processes of the body, doctors are obliged to deal in drugs. No matter where in the advertisement says: "Cannot cope with constipation while watching a football match? Our drug XXX solves your problem!  Where marketers know that will solve the problem? Suddenly required surgery and pills advertised only aggravate health?

For two years in college advertisers are taught that their salary does not depend on demand and the ability to offer. In fact, they are beautifully told what American wants to hear, and no more. Take the word of man in a white coat with a flat-screen seriously, the same thing, that if, after the operation, you know that your surgeon to do the operation on the heart - just an actor. Especially because the most effective drugs are usually cheaper because they always know about the doctors always prescribe them.

The manufacturers of these drugs do not need to chase after profits and fame that they are already all there.

The obvious solution:

Consider the prohibition of such advertising.

In the world there are only a few countries where you can advertise medicines without Kaki any restrictions, and America among them. That is, in most countries understand that the pharmaceutical companies are set to more profit, not on quality.

As a consequence, huge advertising campaigns ruined many lives. For example, in the late 1970s, the United States struck viral infomercial about a cure for headaches. This medication is able to cope with a headache, that's just the side effects has not been canceled. The descendants of those who took the drug were born with physical disabilities. Although the people who believe in advertising, in my opinion, already born with a deviation.

  1. Free houses for the homeless.

Homeless is a huge burden on American society. Rich Americans disgusted look at the smelly drunks, rotting in boxes at the nightclub, and, of course, their toad strangling pay their taxes to the government take care of them.

It is difficult even to count the size of the problem, because it is impossible to count officially non-existent people who do not have residence permits, documents that do not undergo an annual medical examination. In America, think only those who are willing to pay.

The obvious solution:

We need to give them all the free housing. Nobody demands for their luxurious mansions, like the stars of showbiz. Simple condominiums with shower and toilet will solve the problem. Provide shelter to the homeless, Americans expect to save taxpayers money.

Approximately one homeless person costs the US 41,000 dollars a year. Often, this contingent has health problems, there are also mental. Not a good life, they become homeless.

In Nashville, established social house for the homeless, where everyone is invited to free housing. By counting the number of homeless people, the costs for the previous year and the costs for this, it became clear that the city treasury 16281 dollar saved on a homeless man.

It is foolish to expect from binge drinkers that as soon as he will be in a heated room, then immediately pour their entire cheap viskar sink. But as a rule, the people who have given a second chance, they tried to grasp it.

But this time, the problem lies in the very richest Americans. They are due to the hazard will keep homeless people on the street just because they cannot bear the thought that some drunk will be free to live in the apartment while they tear their pants in order to make the next payment on the mortgage.

How To Clean Bill Of Cocaine

A research conducted in 2007 and 2009, showed that approximately ninety percent of US banknotes have traces of cocaine on them self. These paradoxical fact creators suggest using a special machine called a bank Banker. They want to clean it with the help of the dollars and collect pure cocaine.

Work on the machine Banker began in 2008, when the results were released the first of the above studies. They reported that on each bill of US currency can be found from 0.006 to 1.24 micrograms of cocaine, which is associated with the use of the drug using rolled-up bills.

However, at the beginning of work on this device unit was called MO-CLEAN / 14, but now his name sounds much more short and simple - Banker, Banker.

Banker is a machine, something like a copy machine. Only the top in it instead of sheets that need otkserit need to put banknotes. They pass through the device and emerge from it completely cleared not only cocaine but also from many other impurities.

However, it is cocaine most interested creators Banker. Indeed, after a series of chemical reactions thus collected drug can be crystallized to a purity of 99 percent, and then used in the medical purposes or police operations.

In this apparatus Banker has a relatively simple structure and low cost. So that it can be set in almost any bank.

Australian Chef Killed His Wife & Tried To Cook Her Remains

Incident happens right in their house in Brisbane (Australia). Later it was recognized the characteristics of those killed.

28 year-old victim Marcus Peter Folke became native Indonesia named Mayang Prasetio. Earlier, the 27-year-old woman worked as a prostitute and sent earnings to their relatives in Indonesia. Open and other interesting details of her biography, as it turned out, Mayang was transsexual.

Remains found murdered in a pot in the house where she lived with her husband. It turned out that the man was trying to get rid of them, cook in certain chemicals. When the police came for him, the man first tried to escape, and then cut his throat. His body was found in a dumpster near the house, says Daily Mail.

According Courier Mail, with Mayang Folke met on a cruise ship: and they both worked there together. therefore Mayang has not yet done its "complete transformation into a woman" and wanted to complete this process. She had planned to finally change their sex, to adopt a child and do business.

Working in the sex industry, which previously worked Mayang, brought her good income: the hour of her services worth up to $ 500. The money she sent home, they went to the training of her two underage sisters.

Mayang and Folke married in 2013, after which the couple began living together. Mother of men said that her son was all right, but the last year and a half they have not seen. She knew about his girlfriend from Indonesia, but she never met with her a single time. In addition, her parents did not know exactly what has been their son. However, they are constantly called up, and Folke promised to come to them at Christmas with his wife.

While in the apartment where the couple lived, not the police arrived, none of the neighbors noticed the disappearance of Mayang. However, some of them said that they felt the unpleasant smell, like the smell of spoiled meat. It is because of this neighbor and call the police. Investigators have yet to determine what prompted the man to the crime. According to preliminary data, he had not suffered from mental illness and had no problems with the law.

Some friends of the pair say that the couple lived happily together. Other Folke characterize as "a little strange" and noted that he was very jealous of his wife, and even threatening her. In particular, he wrote spouse angry comments at "Facebook". The mother of the deceased said that the daughter wanted to go back to her in Bali, as in Australia, she was bored.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Why After Clinical Death Consciousness Remains

Until now it was thought that "out of body experience" is the result of oxygen starvation of the brain, but it is not so simple.

Research clinical death show that consciousness does not disappear within a surprisingly large amount of time after the work of the brain is completely stopped. This fact suggests that the experiences associated with clinical death - more than just a hallucination, and that the current definition of clinical death is likely to be revised.

Clinical death and "out of body experience" has long been documented. They are especially common among people who have had a heart attack. In resuscitation make statements about death, when after a certain period of time a patient is not observed neither pulse nor breathing, and the pupils are fixed and dilated. But in the very short time after the determination of death, when the electrical activity of the brain and cerebral blood flow deteriorate or expire, some people experience a wide range of subjective phenomena. Survivors reported that "saw the tunnel," experienced "sense of peace" and "feeling out of his body." All the statement is ended to give details the hallucinations, and scientific research in this area has been very little.

In an attempt to remedy this Same guy from the University of Southampton has considered a wide range of psychic experiences in a state of clinical death. And interestingly, he even checked the correctness of conscious experience, using objective markers to see whether there is a clear link postmortem experience with real events, or is it just a hallucination. His results show that the experiences are real, and that they should be taken sincerely, particularly scientists. Furthermore, it was found that some patients experience a subjective experience even three minutes after complete removal of the brain. As part of an international study Man and his team studied 2060 patients who survived clinical death. 330 of them survived. 140 of these 330 (42%) reported that during resuscitation still aware and experienced a wide range of subjective experiences.

Some Reasons Why You Have A Dependency On Video Games

If you are really addicted to video games, you probably often hear from your relatives and friends wishes stop. "You have to get out of your room and relax a little!", "You, but to play, to do anything at all?" Or "go for a walk with your friends! When I was at your age, we did not have video games, and the time we spent in a different way!
If you enjoy video games, what's wrong? Absolutely there is nothing. Play video games, of course, fun. You can move yourself into a completely different world and solve a huge number of virtual problems.
On the other hand, video games can result in serious consequences if they become your dependence. No matter how much time you spend on video games, the main thing is how you treat them. If you play a lot, but at the same time to do other important things in your life, then you have no dependence. However, if you play in the "non-stop" and do not pay attention to what is happening around you, then you will certainly have an addiction. In other words, if your passion for video games negatively affect the real life, besides addiction, it's different not name.
Dependence on video games is a big problem of modern culture. Many people tend to be interested in one question: how and why this relationship occurs? The reasons are different, mostly psychological in nature, and we will discuss them.
Videogames lead you into a rage when someone tells you it's time to stop. There is nothing wrong in the fact that you are fond of video games. However, if you do not adequately respond to the requests of others to stay, then you definitely have a problem with addiction. Hardcore gamer’s factory with a twist, when their parents or friends tell them to break away from the game. We will become a balk and, ultimately, just continue to play, improving skills and virtual levels, while our real life goes on.
Video games make you think that the virtual world it is reality. After a long time, playing video game is easy to start thinking that the virtual world is actually real. But the worst thing is that we take small, individual components of the game as real. For example, if the side goal of the game is to collect as many coins, so in our head start thinking about what these coins are more valuable than real money. If we begin to appreciate the virtual objects larger than the real thing, this is, again, takes away our actual life on the back burner.
Video games force you to deny their relationship. When you say that you are addicted to video games, to you, it acts as a red rag to a bull. You're angry, deny everything ... and then continue to play as if nothing had happened. Many people who are too addicted to video games or just started on this path, not really aware of their dependence, so there will always be unlocked, we need only to mention it. The good news is that if you recognize their dependence on video games, then you have all the chances to get rid of it, as opposed to those people who vehemently deny it.
Videogames make you spend a lot of money. When we fully pass one game, then immediately proceed to another or postpone savings and look forward to the continuation of the output. Usually people spend money on things such as paying taxes, mortgage, and car loan, repayment of utility bills, food, clothes and stuff. Additional means we go for entertainment, and gamers, video and computer games. But the longer we play various games, the more you spend. And with time on this hobby would be to leave as much will not pull even our core budget. Needless to say, this is not normal? Today, many people are turning too careless with their money is one of the reasons why there is a dependence on video games.
Videogames make you lose interest in the outside world. The more we play, the less it becomes interesting private lives and the world. In many ways, this is what defines the difference between the dependent person video games and casual gamers. Last time and find your favorite games, and your life. The person who is addicted to video games, only interested in the same virtual world. Why? Yes, because playing for hours on end for it is more important than work or socializing with friends. This can too go ahead to severe harms with psychological and physical health.
Videogames make you call the room where you play them, their home. No matter where you're playing video games: your room, basement or living room. A person who becomes dependent on video games will eventually become call home the place where he plays. Not my room - namely the house. That's right; after they leave the place only when they need to go to the bathroom or the kitchen to something quickly to intercept, without departing from the refrigerator, or to order a pizza over the phone. If a person starts to think: "Why should I be somewhere else if my place is here?", Then he became addicted to video games.
Videogames are output, if you have social problems. This item mainly refers to those who have certain problems of a social nature. These people want to get away from the outside world, and video games, in their opinion, the best way to do it. In fact, they run not from the world, but from the accumulated problems that they seem insoluble. In this case, video games is not an option, but only a pretext and justification.
Video games take your precious time. Our "I'm only 30 minutes of play and the whole thing," typically takes quite a few hours. Nowadays, lots of people are turning too carelessly, not only with their money, but also time.
Videogames make you lie to yourself. This item is directly connected to all the previous ones. You become addicted to video games, going to lie to yourself about the time and the money (wasted) spend on them, refusing to admit that you have a relationship, the loss of attention in the outer surface humanity, and so on.
Videogames make you live someone else's life. And finally, the main reason why video games are so addicting and beckon you - it is an opportunity to live someone else's life in a totally different, new world, where there are completely different rules, physics and technology. When you do not like your real life, you are instead of something to change, prefer to escape from reality, because in the virtual world, it's much easier. Remember, you have one life, and only depends on you, as you will live it.